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Door Entry FTP and NTP not working with DS-KD8003-IME1 Door Station?

Hi David, yes I agree and think that's where we might be heading. I've been hoping to avoid that as the intercom was installed for me and I've found it pretty difficult to navigate. Can you advise on whether a config backup and restore would work. Or does that approach compromise the benefits of the reset.
Hi David, yes I agree and think that's where we might be heading. I've been hoping to avoid that as the intercom was installed for me and I've found it pretty difficult to navigate. Can you advise on whether a config backup and restore would work. Or does that approach compromise the benefits of the reset.
I wouldn’t trust a backup / restore, wipe the slate clean. Is there a warranty for it?
Nothing wrong with restoring to face default, nothing will go wrong, but it will not resolve your issue...
If you provide some screenshots of your settings, I will try to reproduce it on mine , to see if it works to upload images to ftp...
Thanks both for your help on this.

I've tried installing IVMS on another laptop and I'm getting the same issues. I don't have another device to run IVMS from so am going to assume it's a camera issue for the moment and will try to reset to default, reload the firmware (after the prompt from @NoFate I read the release notes and it looks like I should not be downgrading) and reconfigure to see if this resolves the device error and parameter issues. This might take a day or two so I can document the setup. David, to pick up on your earlier question I'd need to check with my installer about warranty.

@NoFate, thanks for your very kind offer of checking out FTP. I've attached a copy of my FTP config on the camera. If you can confirm this works, and you have NTP working as expected, that would reassure me it's not an issue with the firmware version.

Thanks again, very helpful input.
Ok, will have a look next week and try it also out...

If you are interested, I have created a docker, using Hikvision SDK, that grabs all events from indoor /outdoor, also open door commands..
You can run it, it sends all events messages like motion, ring, alarm, ... to an mqtt server
Just tested FTP, enabled it, enabled motion event, but indeed , it doesnt do anything, doesnt send image on ftp when motion is detected ; or not even when call is detected...
I dont see any connection coming in, so not sure why that feature does :-)

My guess, since 8003 needs an indoor, and images are saved on indoor, it needs to be enabled there, alltough i dont see any ftp settings there
Thanks - super helpful. I had wondered whether the Indoor KH6320 provides that function but I could not find a setting for it either. I have a question out to Hikvision and will come back if they are at all helpful.

So now I need to move onto resetting the box and working out why NTP is not working - I assume it is working for you?
I've now had chance to reset the 8003 and re-configure. The 'invalid parameter' messages disappeared but NTP didn't intiially start working. Here's what I (think) I did in case anyone else finds it useful:
- disabled and then re-enabled daylight saving. Changed timezone and set back to my own local timezone. NTP then started working. Not completely sure of the sequence, but was something like that. Strange.
- then I went to Image>OSD to change the parameters there. As soon as I added my Camera Name I got the invalid parameters error message again. I suspect this may have been the cause of the strange behaviour on Save operations, and may possibly have influenced NTP but I've not tested that rigorously.

So good news is the camera appears now to be working correctly. Bad news is that FTP really doesn't seem to work as @NoFate has also established. Disappointing as that's my preferred mechanism for getting images back from a remote location. Also disappointing Hik support hasn't come back on this. Guess I'll be waiting for the next firmware release int he hope this gets fixed.

Thanks so much to David and NoFate for their help and support with all of this.
I've now had chance to reset the 8003 and re-configure. The 'invalid parameter' messages disappeared but NTP didn't intiially start working. Here's what I (think) I did in case anyone else finds it useful:
- disabled and then re-enabled daylight saving. Changed timezone and set back to my own local timezone. NTP then started working. Not completely sure of the sequence, but was something like that. Strange.
- then I went to Image>OSD to change the parameters there. As soon as I added my Camera Name I got the invalid parameters error message again. I suspect this may have been the cause of the strange behaviour on Save operations, and may possibly have influenced NTP but I've not tested that rigorously.

So good news is the camera appears now to be working correctly. Bad news is that FTP really doesn't seem to work as @NoFate has also established. Disappointing as that's my preferred mechanism for getting images back from a remote location. Also disappointing Hik support hasn't come back on this. Guess I'll be waiting for the next firmware release int he hope this gets fixed.

Thanks so much to David and NoFate for their help and support with all of this.
Too bad indeed, you can also use the ISAPI jpeg url to capture snapshots from the device, the other way around... It's included in last firmware release, a snapshot url example is present there
So....I kept working on the FTP issue to QNAP because I don't like to be beaten and have it working (sort-of). Wanted to come back here to share the experience for anyone else who has the same issue. The spoiler though is that FTP only seems to upload pictures when triggered by a door event (Door Open from Indoor Station, Door Open from Keypad) and motion detection events are not uploaded. If anyone has a different experience I'd be very interested as my other Hik camera will definitely upload events using FTP.

Looks like the 8003 wants to create the directory it is going to write to on the QNAP (I had created this manually). If you ask it to write to a directory (unless that directory is root for FTP as defined on the QNAP) it gives a login failed error, no matter what access privileges it is granted. A quick summary of settings:
- 8003 is pretty vanilla with a username and password defined, rather than anonymous login. Directory Structure>Save in Parent Directory; Parent Directory>Device Name
- Key parts of QNAP config are: FTP support>FTP (Standard); Unicode Support>No. Root directory for FTP is specified under the Advanced tab. If you;re not using Anonymous login make sure User IDs used for cameras are granted privileges for th Root!

Again, thanks to @David and @NoFate for being along with me on this journey. Would not have got this far without the support.
Thnx for feedback, that's indeed quite lame and useless :-) , it would be quite normal to also upload an picture on door call press, and not only unlock door...

Anyway, if still interested, you can run a docker container that can be connected to an Mqtt server to listen for all events, on indoor/outdoor station, based on an event, you can make a snapshot it trigger something
Well I'm hoping I still have something wrong and it is possible to FTP motion detection events like my other Hik. But I've tried everything I can think of so far (disabling the linkage to Surveillance Station, playing with Event Linkage options) and nothing has worked so far. I agree it would be really nice if motion events were sent in the same way as other cameras and would love it if someone could tell me I've got this wrong.

Tks for mentioning Docker options. Tbh, I'm finding the Intercom complicated enough without adding in another component. But will come back if I feel I need another project!
I've now had chance to reset the 8003 and re-configure. The 'invalid parameter' messages disappeared but NTP didn't intiially start working. Here's what I (think) I did in case anyone else finds it useful:
- disabled and then re-enabled daylight saving. Changed timezone and set back to my own local timezone. NTP then started working. Not completely sure of the sequence, but was something like that. Strange.
- then I went to Image>OSD to change the parameters there. As soon as I added my Camera Name I got the invalid parameters error message again. I suspect this may have been the cause of the strange behaviour on Save operations, and may possibly have influenced NTP but I've not tested that rigorously.

So good news is the camera appears now to be working correctly. Bad news is that FTP really doesn't seem to work as @NoFate has also established. Disappointing as that's my preferred mechanism for getting images back from a remote location. Also disappointing Hik support hasn't come back on this. Guess I'll be waiting for the next firmware release int he hope this gets fixed.

Thanks so much to David and NoFate for their help and support with all of this.
Hello, I'm pretty new here but I'm struggling the same problem.

Door station DS-KD8003-IME1(B) V2.2.63 build 230717
Indoor station DS-KH9510-WTE1(B) V2.1.84 build 230407
IVMS Version build 20230704

Have you managed with NTP? I have the same issue with the NTP server, which doesn't work. I set up NTP to 0.pl.pool.ntp.org, but it is not synchronizing. Additionally, when I go to synchronize with the local computer time zone is going to change to GMT+2 Athens, Jerusalem, which needs to be corrected. My time zone is GMT+1, the same as my PC.
When I changed the time zone to GMT+1, I immediately lost connection with Indoor station DS-KH9501. The network status goes to not connected, which is a registration failure. After that, you cannot ring from the door station, it says the speaker cannot connect.

I also realized that when I changed server port on DS-KD8003 from 8000 to personalize, 8080 door station changed to after some time 8000. I have no idea how it possible but it was. Today I changed it to default 8000.

I would appreciate it if anyone of you had an idea of what could be a solution and could share it.
Regards, Greg
Hello, I'm pretty new here but I'm struggling the same problem.

Door station DS-KD8003-IME1(B) V2.2.63 build 230717
Indoor station DS-KH9510-WTE1(B) V2.1.84 build 230407
IVMS Version build 20230704

Have you managed with NTP? I have the same issue with the NTP server, which doesn't work. I set up NTP to 0.pl.pool.ntp.org, but it is not synchronizing. Additionally, when I go to synchronize with the local computer time zone is going to change to GMT+2 Athens, Jerusalem, which needs to be corrected. My time zone is GMT+1, the same as my PC.
When I changed the time zone to GMT+1, I immediately lost connection with Indoor station DS-KH9501. The network status goes to not connected, which is a registration failure. After that, you cannot ring from the door station, it says the speaker cannot connect.

I also realized that when I changed server port on DS-KD8003 from 8000 to personalize, 8080 door station changed to after some time 8000. I have no idea how it possible but it was. Today I changed it to default 8000.

I would appreciate it if anyone of you had an idea of what could be a solution and could share it.
Regards, Greg
Hi Greg, I share your frustrating. NTP is working for me but I'm not completely sure what got it up and running. As bizarre as it sounds, I think defaulting the motion detection area got rid of the invalid parameters error and may have resolved it (I've had similar issues with other Hik cameras). After that I'd probably try a different NTP server (Google or specify a non-country specific pool.ntp range) just to eliminate this. Then a reset. Let us know how you get on. Cheers
Hi Greg, I share your frustrating. NTP is working for me but I'm not completely sure what got it up and running. As bizarre as it sounds, I think defaulting the motion detection area got rid of the invalid parameters error and may have resolved it (I've had similar issues with other Hik cameras). After that I'd probably try a different NTP server (Google or specify a non-country specific pool.ntp range) just to eliminate this. Then a reset. Let us know how you get on. Cheers
Hello, thank you very much for your answer. I tried your solution today but have yet to see a visible change. Besides that, I lost connection with the indoor panel again. This is so stupid that I have never seen it. Dahua is the same story as here we have. For example, you can not change the default password from admin :/
My device works with an artificial Time Zone synchronizing only with the panel with this solution.

Bez tytułu.jpg
I agree it's not very functional and needs a lot of improvement. In my case though (KD 8003) I'm pretty sure that it does take a snapshot when the doorbell is pressed and thought I'd mention that in case you have a different problem. The issue for me is that the 8003 will not FTP a snapshot when it detects motion.