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Should installers give admin passwords to the cctv system owners?


Trusted Member
I've come across a fair few cctv system owners that have problems getting the system admin passwords from their original installers. Is this right?

Hi @David

We don't actually do any installs for customers but, like you, we have run into lots of customers who have had their systems installed and had password issues.

Our opinion on it is that you should give the admin password to the user so that they can fine-tune their system settings if they want, but for installers, it is part of their future revenue stream to hold onto the password so the customer has to return to them and pay for further technical support to change settings and fix things.
I've come across a fair few cctv system owners that have problems getting the system admin passwords from their original installers. Is this right?

I generally don't, though will if asked. As I set up the system correctly, I need to be sure that at least while under warranty the customer isn't going to mess up the setup. This helps when they forget their password as I can easily create a new one (this happens quite often as the password is masked in Hik-Connect and rarely needed on the local menu). I wouldn't want to be maintaining a system where the end user is playing around in the setup (or fine tuning as Dan calls it!):

"Hmm, I wonder what this does?" >click > apply
Call received - "my CCTV isn't working can you fix it, it just stopped, I didn't touch anything"

It's actually quite easy on many models with a click to "stop recording on all channels" and the only sign is the missing clapperboard icon on the local monitor. For that reason I'll usually at the very least disable "Local - Manual Operation"/"Remote: Manual Operation" to prevent that happening.

My opinion is that if someone wants to be messing around with what they've paid me to setup, why didn't they just install it themselves or ask me to first fix the cables for them and supply the kit for them to install and setup without any warranty.

Many of the issues on this forum with missing admin passwords have been more to do with the installer doing a vanishing act or ghosting the customer.
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It's also just as likely that the installer disappears and leaves the owner twisting in the wind.
I'm an Installer. As far as i'm concerned, my work it good enough, i take pride in what i do & have great respect for my customers, so i do not feel the need to use Entrapment or Extortion Methods to gain repeat business, good old fashion customer service goes a hell of a lot further.

I Do use a Standard Admin Login for all customers when setting up the system. Once the Customer has finalised there account I email them Instructions to & encourage them to Change the Password &/or Offer assistance to do so.
The Black & White of this arguement is very simple
1. Once all Parties have fulfilled their obligations in the Contract of Works [meaning job complete/payment finalised] Ownership of Goods is Transfered to the Customer.
2. The Transfer of Goods, Includes Administrative Rights & the Customer should be made aware if risks associated with that level of Access. If they choose the adjust/play/tinkle, then one would expect to do so at their own expense.
3. The Installer has No Further Obligation to the Customer that would have any justification in Requiring the Need to Retain Administrative Rights to the Equipment - NONE! ................. Whatever Rights an Installer thinks they may have to Retain Administrative Rights Quickly become Devious Intentions, when matters Concerning A Customers/Persons Privacy is in Question.

Hik-Pro Connect offers the most Secure Method to Remote Access a Customers System if need be, Requires Customers granting Installers Permission, the Customer can see what the Installer is Doing or Has Done, furthermore the Installer does not have any Access to View any Video Content whilst Logged In with Hik-Pro Connect. Zero Privacy Concerns = Zero Law Suits!

Anyway, each to there own
"Hmm, I wonder what this does?" >click > apply
Call received - "my CCTV isn't working can you fix it, it just stopped, I didn't touch anything"
Yep ................. first port of call "System Logs" ................. that usually provides the evidence to call bullshit