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Motion detection areas keep resetting to whole area?


New Member
I have installed two DS-2CD2346G2-IU and updated them to the latest firmware of IPC_G3_EN_STD_5.5.160_210108. Having issues with setting up motion areas. I have an the DS-7608NI-K2/8P NVR running NVR_K51_BL_ML_STD_V4.30.060_201228. When I draw motion areas, I hit clear to remove the default 1 which is the whole area, click draw area and set my new area 1. This seems to work for a day then when I look the next day it has gone back to being the whole area again.

Is this a known issue or am I doing something wrong?

Also with privacy areas is it planned you can draw the area where you like similar to motion rather than squares? Not every helpful if your neighbours windows are not at perfect 90degree angles to you camera angle! Or is it possible to request features as I know motion areas where only squares before I updated the camera firmware.

Thanks for any advice!
I had a similar issue with my 2347G2 cams, worked ok for a day or two then either didn't detect or detected false alarms.
Logging back in either the area set was gone or defaulted.

Have you ran internet explorer as an administrator? This can help as sometimes the settings are not saved.

Since updating to the latest firmware everything seems ok, although it has only been two days since updating.
I had a similar issue with my 2347G2 cams, worked ok for a day or two then either didn't detect or detected false alarms.
Logging back in either the area set was gone or defaulted.

Have you ran internet explorer as an administrator? This can help as sometimes the settings are not saved.

Since updating to the latest firmware everything seems ok, although it has only been two days since updating.
I've been using chrome with ie plugin. I'll give ie ago. Are hikvision going to sort out their ie reliance seeing as it's proper dead soon
Is this a known issue or am I doing something wrong?

It’s a known issue. Months ago a Hikvision engineer had a look at mine remotely to try and diagnose it but nothing came of it - there are a few posts regarding it. It is not listed as a fix in the release notes for the latest firmware 5.5.160.

For now I just have to keep checking and redrawing mine. It tends to happen after any power down or reboot and sometimes just randomly. Make sure you also have the latest NVR firmware as it’s not guaranteed that it’s the camera firmware at issue at this point.