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DS-7616NI-I2 - No event markers on normal playback


Trusted Member
I recently replaced my DS-7608NI-K2/8P with a DS-7616NI-I2/16P NVR (FW 4.22.005). All cameras are recording 24/7 and I also have line crossing events configured on each of the cameras configured to trigger the channel and push notifications. The alarms all work correctly, however I'm no longer seeing the red event markers in the timeline for normal playback. This is on the locally connected monitor. Any ideas?
Take a look at this forum post:

It explains the difference between the different Playback options, if you want to view specific events you will likely need to use Custom Playback.
Take a look at this forum post:

It explains the difference between the different Playback options, if you want to view specific events you will likely need to use Custom Playback.

Yeah I saw that some time ago Dan and I realise the difference, I'm an installer and have been putting these in for years. That post only confirms what is missing/working incorrectly:

"Normal Playback - here you are just seeing all the recorded footage, whether that is motion or continuous, and you will also see event markers in red here for any basic/smart events you have enabled"

I have basic/smart events enabled so there should be red event markers for the line crossing that is setup/pre defined in the camera. Smart is playback is for retrospective searching of footage by the NVR
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Apologies, I think there may have been a firmware update since I made that post and the playback layout has been tweaked slightly, I just checked our demo 7716-I4 NVR (which is running the same v4.22.005 firmware) and it would appear that they have now changed it so that Normal playback only displays the basic recorded footage with no Event overlays, while Smart Playback now shows the event markers. I will look into this a bit more and update the forum posts once I understand the changes they have made.
Apologies, I think there may have been a firmware update since I made that post and the playback layout has been tweaked slightly, I just checked our demo 7716-I4 NVR (which is running the same v4.22.005 firmware) and it would appear that they have now changed it so that Normal playback only displays the basic recorded footage with no Event overlays, while Smart Playback now shows the event markers. I will look into this a bit more and update the forum posts once I understand the changes they have made.

Thanks Dan, at least I know it's nothing I've done. It's just another in an increasingly long line of Hikvision firmware, operation and app "quirks". That makes the operation a little useless to be honest.

To the right of the playback controls there's a key Blue-Normal, Red-Event. This remains even though the red event markers have been removed.

Smart playback shows everything - even if you disable motion detection in the camera, it's practically a solid red bar until you define another line, intrusion area - completely broke. We shouldn't have to go into custom playback for a quick representation of pre defined events over 24 hours. Not that smart..... Rant over!
Apologies, I think there may have been a firmware update since I made that post and the playback layout has been tweaked slightly, I just checked our demo 7716-I4 NVR (which is running the same v4.22.005 firmware) and it would appear that they have now changed it so that Normal playback only displays the basic recorded footage with no Event overlays, while Smart Playback now shows the event markers. I will look into this a bit more and update the forum posts once I understand the changes they have made.

Dan, just to confirm I've checked on mine and the pre configured event markers have not moved from the normal to smart timeline. It was feasible that with the new firmware they were mixed together. To prove whether this was the case, in one of my cameras I disabled the "Enable Dual VCA" option that the Smart Search in the NVR relies on, but left my pre configured camera basic and smart events enabled. If the event markers were previously hidden/masked by the NVRs Smart analysis they would have been revealed. I've triggered multiple alarms since and though they work and report normally, there is no indication on either timeline.
Hi @JB1970

Thank you for explaining your further testing, but from our own testing I can confirm that you will find the event markers of basic & smart events you have set for each camera under the Smart Playback option. If you look at the screenshot below you will see the motion detection markers for a 2455 Cube camera and this is with motion set to cover the whole scene and dual-VCA enabled.


The only time we saw any issue with Event markers in Smart Playback was when trying to view events from older generation cameras (2532, 4A25, 4A85, etc...) which I think is simply a compatibility issue between the old software of these models and the new NVR firmware, but it is still possible to display the events of these models on the timeline using Custom Search/Playback. (see below line crossing markers from a 2532 using Custom Search)


If you could share the camera models you have and some screenshots of what you are seeing it may help us and other users identify what the problem is.
Hmmm - not sure I can agree with you there but I will happily stand corrected if I'm wrong.

From your first screenshot you are in the Smart Playback tab and I understand that you are saying it shows both events and Smart in there now, however they are not. You have said that you have dual VCA enabled and therefore it's just showing everything with no way to differentiate between a pre defined basic/smart event/alarm input and the results of a smart search. If you were to enable a single square for motion detection on that camera, purposely avoid triggering it, when you select smart the timeline will still show red event markers for all the other motion that's been passed as you have dual VCA enabled when it should be empty of markers

On the old version 3 firmware, pre defined events were shown as green markers when normal was selected (if no events Basic or Smart were enabled and configured for the selected camera you would have a solid blue timeline). Selecting motion full screen, draw line, draw intrusion etc and then also clicking the magnifying glass icon would perform the smart search and update the timeline to show the results from the smart search rather than your pre defined alarms. This also enabled the Smart radio button in the GUI so that you could skip non related video. In essence you could pre define a line crossing event and when you go to playback it would be marked, but you could also select an alternative line retrospectively, hit search and update the markers to suit.

Since the update there is no way of differentiating without going into the custom tab. With motion, line crossing, intrusion detection cleared and switched off if you click on Smart you will still see practically a solid red timeline IF Dual VCA is enabled.

NVR is DS-7616NI-I2/16P) v4.22.005
Cameras are a mix of DS-2CD2335FWD-I, DS-2CD2325FWD-I, DS-2CD2347G1-L, DS-2CD5A46G0-IZS, DS-2CD2346G1-I all on latest available firmware.

BTW I'm not an end user, I'm an installer with 30 years experience.