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NVR DS-7608NXI-K2 - hardware B-R-K20A9_K20A9-00 - firmware V4.73.006 build 221108

Today firmware is V4.76.005_231012
New features added:
Playback-Slice recorded videos to one hour length.
In Playback-Normal a Smart Search tab was added and does exactly the same job with Space Rule in Playback-Event
They also added a Display VCA Info/Hide VCA Info in Live View and in Playback both Normal and Event, but it works only in Live View

-Adding Smart Search in Normal Playback is meaningless since it does exactly the same job with Space Rules in Event Playback
-Smart Search in Normal Playback, by selecting camera, does not automaticaly detect all smart events but only Humans and Cars. For the rest of them you must perform a Draw Polygon procedure similar to Space Rules in Event Playback.
-Going back from Event Playback to Normal Playback, keeps previous search and you must clear this.
-Display VCA info works only for Live View and only for Smart Events. Not for Playback and not for Motion Events and especially Dynamic Analysed Motion Events from smart accusense cameras.
-"Pre-Record" issue, if we can call it Pre-Record, since it concerns Continuous Recording, remains the same if Space Rule is not performed by drawing polygons and just double click the camera(Auto). Maybe we report this issue and complain the wrong way. It is not a Pre-Record and Post-Record but it is an Event Start and an Event-Stop.
This concerns both VCA and non VCA cameras. Also Non VCA cameras cannot be searched for Smart Events by drawing polygons or lines or motion with Space Rule or new Smart Search if VCA mode is set By NVR. Only double click gives back events, but with "Pre-Record"issue
I've just loaded this on a new NVR and the WiFi settings are missing. I don't know whether that function was removed in this (4.76.005) or the previous (4.75.005) version.....
DS-7600NXI-K series is not a WiFi NVR. Did you check the Configuration Local tab, if there is an option to enable/disable?
DS-7600NXI-K series is not a WiFi NVR. Did you check the Configuration Local tab, if there is an option to enable/disable?
Yeah I know it's not a WiFi NVR. However previously there was a tab for WiFi settings on the network settings page of the local GUI. With an appropriate USB dongle plugged in, you could connect to the WiFi network using that page. Once configured, you could go back to the IP settings page and switch from the LAN adaptor to your WiFi. That WiFi Settings tab is no longer there but as stated I'm not sure which version removed it.
I don't know if you can enter the advanced function, which I am not sure it is an advanced one. There is a tricky way
You must install the latest version of ivms4200 and remove the plugin for the NVR. Another plug in for an older camera should do the job, but only if configuration is selected through Main view. Not Maintenance and Management
I saw many settings, many useless, but also many missing
Ok sorry
Didn't notice this before.
No problem. It's on some NVRs and DVRs but not that many - it's not on the M series for instance. I know it was on the 7604NXI-K1 on previous firmware, as I've a customer who has had a few problems with Powerline adaptors and I checked on the local menu to ensure it was there.

The local GUI is in the Advanced menu when 'Easy' is shown and Easy when 'Advanced' is displayed but I've been right through all of the menus and the function has gone.
I use the devolo ones and have no problems if connection between them is ok. I used to have issues with led lamps beside them
I use the devolo ones and have no problems if connection between them is ok. I used to have issues with led lamps beside them
I've always used TP Link without issue but on this particular job they were problematic. I've replaced them with a new set (and programmed them not to sleep/turned power save off) and things seem to have settled down - they may have been faulty.