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Network access


New Member
I'm new to here, and hopefully, can get some advice.

I have a Kguard sytem - 4 wired cameras, and one wireless.

Kguard have an app that allows me to access the camera feed from my iphone (4), however there is one downside to this.

In order for me to access the feeds, I need to have the ip address that my isp supplies set in the Kguard app.
This would be fine, but Virginmedia (my isp) change my ip address with monotonous regularity (about every 2 days).
Previous to this, it would only change if I rebooted my router, or about once or twice a mounth.
I'm not sure why they do this quuite so often.

However - we are where we are - and I'm wondering if there is a way round this. Virginmedia won't give me a static ip address. I don't want to go with another isp.

Can anyone give me any other options please?

Can you please explain how it works?

would the free one be OK (changing every 30 days would be acceptable to me)

(As you might have guessed I'm a real novice in this area :confused:)

Hello Dave,
Just click the 'Learn More' button at the link Harri provided to read an explanation ...

Dyn.com offer the same service (and an explanation) - http://dyn.com/remote-access/

Both providers used to offer a free service but now charge.
I'd put the virgin media superdud into modem only mode, (if you need to know how then just ask), because the wireless performance and range on them is crap,then connect your own router, you'll get much better performance. Asus routers, which i use, come with free DDNS hosting (your choice of name), this way you won't need to worry about your ip address changing. to set up asus DDNS on your router takes about 30 secs and is very easy, again, if you need to know how just ask. Once the DDNS is set up then you can host any ip camera.

Hi Dave,

This is a common situation, a lot o people don't have static IP from their ISP, so they use DDNS as stated by Phil and PKBristol. Some manufacturers include a DDNS option in their cameras or recorder and sometimes even offer a dedicated server to use this service for Free. Anyway, if the camera you have does not have DDNS options, you can use your router as the DDNS client, either way will work.