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Moving this forum and our webshop to new servers on Tuesday 11th April


Staff member
Just a quick heads-up, in case of any issues arising.
Our hosts will be moving this forum and the use-IP webshop to new physical servers on Tuesday the 11th April (the day after Easter).
Inevitably there will be a period of downtime.
Everything is backed-up.
No work should begin before Tuesday.
I'll update with more specific timings when I can.

Just posting now, because tomorrow is our last day in the office before the long Easter weekend, and it's pretty likely I might forget to let you know otherwise ;)

Have a great Easter weekend all
Just an update to advise that the wheels are in motion and we still intend to move this forum and our webshop to new servers this afternoon.
There will inevitably be a period of downtime as we transition.
You were quick :)
It's only been back up ten mins ;)

A lot more downtime than we had hoped for - something broke and took two hours to re-index and fix!
Hopefully all will be OK.

Keep 'em peeled.
I won't be at all surprised if we find some issues.

The webshop next/now [fingers crossed].
LOL I've been running forums for 20+ years so I'm always interested in how things go, so was watching :) It looks good fronm what I can see.