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iVMS-4200 iVMS Mac v Windows - searching a camera to review playback between two times?


Trusted Member
As iVMS for the Mac seems dead in the water I've set up a virtual Windows 11 environment (Using Tiny11), and have installed iVMS for Windows. All well and good.
I did have some issues in adding the NVR but got there in the end.

The only problem I have now is searching a camera between times, say for example I wanted to review the video feed on a camera between 13:10 and 13:30 (today) on the older Mac app I could go on remote view, hit the calendar button which brought up a 'twin calendar' dialog box where I could choose the dates / times I wanted to review, then select the camera and hit the search button and I'm away.....
The new version does not seem to have any place to enter the dates / times? The text box at the top of the screen which has search in it seems to do nothing?
Or am I missing something obvious?
Screenshot 2024-04-26 at 15.57.40.jpg
As iVMS for the Mac seems dead in the water I've set up a virtual Windows 11 environment (Using Tiny11), and have installed iVMS for Windows. All well and good.
I did have some issues in adding the NVR but got there in the end.

The only problem I have now is searching a camera between times, say for example I wanted to review the video feed on a camera between 13:10 and 13:30 (today) on the older Mac app I could go on remote view, hit the calendar button which brought up a 'twin calendar' dialog box where I could choose the dates / times I wanted to review, then select the camera and hit the search button and I'm away.....
The new version does not seem to have any place to enter the dates / times? The text box at the top of the screen which has search in it seems to do nothing?
Or am I missing something obvious?
View attachment 10985
Try going firstly on Event Playback, select between dates and times, press OK, then go back to Camera playback and perform your rule search.
There is something wrong with dates in new iVMS Camera playback keeps previous search date and cannot be cleared other way than above or logout and then login
Thanks I just tried that. On Event Playback I can indeed set the range I want but when switching to the Camera playback it starts at midnight again and does not respect the time period set. Weird.