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Hikvision DS-7208HQHI-K1 is intermittently offline. No settings were changed. What is causing this?

There is every chance that there is a 'pairing' routine for your powerline devices to see each other and work together.
The unit connected to your router is not 'seeing' the one in the loft next to the DVR.
Maybe following a power cut, or perhaps it was unplugged when the router was replaced.
Google for your TP-Link model number.
Follow the instructions for pairing/adding devices.
Once that is successfully completed your DVR should appear as a device in your routers DHCP table ethernet section.
hi phil, i ran sadp tool on my laptop, no npf issues this time but the SADP page is empty, showing no online devices
There is every chance that there is a 'pairing' routine for your powerline devices to see each other and work together.
The unit connected to your router is not 'seeing' the one in the loft next to the DVR.
Maybe following a power cut, or perhaps it was unplugged when the router was replaced.
Google for your TP-Link model number.
Follow the instructions for pairing/adding devices.
Once that is successfully completed your DVR should appear as a device in your routers DHCP table ethernet section.

ok will do
Because your DVR is not currently connected to your network.
Therefore, SADP is unable to find it.
You need to get the Powerline pair working again.
Hi Phil,

That did the trick. My device is back online on my app. thanks so much for your troubleshooting help. I hope the rest of you with 'device offline' get a resolution.
You guys are superheroes. Anyone not buying their kit from you is making a terrible mistake.
Has a solution been found? I bought 2 days ago DS-7208HQHI-K1 device has the same problem. I ask for help

Please start a new thread, and explain the equipment you have, and the problem you are experiencing.