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Hikvision DS-2DF7286-AEL - Missing "Platform Access" in Network, Advanced Settings

This site uses the XenForo platform. Private messages are called Conversations. Correct me if I'm wrong - I believe you click on a member's profile and start a conversation by writing a Profile post.
Yep, just hover over a user's name, then click the 'Start conversation' button.

I've only got "follow" and "ignore" which would explain why I've never figured it out. I don't see any settings in my account that would change that either.

Any ideas on how I can get this to work? Thanks.

Sorry, we've been really busy this week; moved servers Tuesday; staff on leave; recruiting - new starter next Tuesday; new webshop in three weeks ...

Do others see same as you?
I sure hope others chime in. I cannot start a "conversation" with anyone because that button is missing.
Same here, if I hover over a user's name I don't get the start conversation button. I have to navigate to their profile and start one from there.
I know this is a minor thing, but I hope it gets addressed. There have been times I wanted to clarify something through a private message without cluttering up the forum with a new thread. It would be a useful feature if it worked.