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FD9391 how to adjust picture


New Member
Has bought a FD9391-EHTV-v2 camera, connect it with the ND9326P. I have installed it at a horizontal position, but it only shows picture down to the ground..........isn't it a 360degrees camera, which it should be able to move around, and show all the area around the camera?? Maybee I need a special software??
Hi @audi30tdi

The FD9391-EHTV-v2 is a varifocal dome camera, which means you can adjust the focal range/zoom of the camera remotely.

The model is not a 360/PTZ model so you won't be able to pan/tilt the camera remotely.
Ok, thanks for answer. Then the salesman have not tell me the truth.

But how can I adjust the picture from just showing the ground?? Can't it not be mounted in the roof, only on the wall??
When you install the camera you can manually pan, tilt, and rotate the camera lens until you get the position/angle you want to cover your scene.