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Door Entry DS-KV6113door lock wiring


New Member
Hello everybody, need help on lock wiring with my DS-KV6113 running the latest firmware 2.2.53 build 211104
I just connect my gate's Normally Opened contact to the green/blue terminals on DS-KV6113 but I couldn't manage to open it !
Any suggestion ?
Hi @garret

Have you looked at the wiring instructions in the Intercom User Manual?

The guide for wiring a door lock on page 3 suggests you need to use 3 or the terminal connections, Blue, Green, and Yellow.
Hi @garret

Have you looked at the wiring instructions in the Intercom User Manual?

The guide for wiring a door lock on page 3 suggests you need to use 3 or the terminal connections, Blue, Green, and Yellow.
Hi Dan,
yes I looked at the wiring instruction, but i only need to give a closed contact (no external power needed) to activate the gate. So i guess i have to use only terminals green and blue to give that command. Me wrong ? thanks
update: i checked terminals green and blue with tester, the contact is permanently closed. Shouldn't it be normally opened ?? Please help
Are you sure your lock does not need to be powered? I did the same but my door lock (Cisa E-Volution) needed 12V power supply. The door station then acts as a relay so when you give the command to unlock just closes the contact and power goes to door lock.

The way I wired mine is as follows :

-12V Power supply goes directly to my door lock -12V
+12V Power supply goes to Green (COM) of the door station loom
Blue (NO) goes to +12V of the door lock

When I press unlock in the hik connect the door station closes the circuit and the lock opens.

Depending your door lock (or strike) you might need to use the yellow wire (NC) instead of the blue but you can test this by trial and error. Just make sure you use the correct + and - wires and not vice versa.
Before you try the above and damage your gate (possibly) try the green and yellow they are volt free. Then if that doesn’t work list you gate wiring diagram and what you’ve tried and we can help when we’ve more details.
Also I’ve helped several people on here with wiring of these so do some searches