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Camera for inside my garage?

inexplicably, the garage cam just appeared in Hik-Connect. I just had a browse in the app and it just popped up. so everything seems ok for now I think. the way I have connected the powerline adapter in my house(directly to the NVR) is that really necessary, or could I connect the powerline adapter directly to my router downstairs, would mean a shorter distance? I think from watching some videos that possible but could be wrong...
For the power line adapter either should be ok, difference in latency should be minimal. My NVR LAN port used powerline adapters for years, connected to the router.
Ever since I have started using the powerline adapter I think my internet is slow. When I do a speedtest it's still about the same as it always was I think (15-20meg)
is it likely to be the powerline adapters? would a better brand of powerline adapters be worth a try? the ones i have came free with a talktalk tv box about 5 years ago
or is it just a mighty big coincidence?
Ever since I have started using the powerline adapter I think my internet is slow. When I do a speedtest it's still about the same as it always was I think (15-20meg)
is it likely to be the powerline adapters? would a better brand of powerline adapters be worth a try? the ones i have came free with a talktalk tv box about 5 years ago
or is it just a mighty big coincidence?
does your powerline adapter come with an app to check the link between the adapters?
It doesn't no. I've got sick of the slow internet now and I switch off the powerline adapter when I come in the house, and turn it back on when I go out now it's almost certainly causing the problem.
which powerline adapters have an app? I've just looked at a "Best powerline adapters" and none of them mention it?
It doesn't no. I've got sick of the slow internet now and I switch off the powerline adapter when I come in the house, and turn it back on when I go out now it's almost certainly causing the problem.
which powerline adapters have an app? I've just looked at a "Best powerline adapters" and none of them mention it?
I’ve always used Powerline Adapters | TP-Link United Kingdom
win10 IOS and android apps for download.

what model powerline adapter are you usin?
I've got sick of the slow internet now and I switch off the powerline adapter when I come in the house, and turn it back on when I go out now it's almost certainly causing the problem.
Is your power line adapter still connected to the NVR rear camera port connected to the garage camera? If so, it doesn't make sense that it interferes with your LAN / internet.
Is your power line adapter still connected to the NVR rear camera port connected to the garage camera? If so, it doesn't make sense that it interferes with your LAN / internet.
I'm not sure I really understand that, everything is still connected but when I switch the switch off on the socket in the garage, the internet works. on Saturday night I was unable to watch Netflix, endured 20 minutes of buffering every 2 mins, so went to the garage and switched the switch off, and then watched the rest of the night without buffering.
another experiment right now, 7:55AM, speedtest 17MB/s down 3MB/s up.
*goes to garage to find brand of powerline adapter* and also switches camera back on
It's a D-Link DHP-300AV
another speedtest 8AM, 2.5MB/s download 2.3MB/s up
seems that it is causing the issue?
well I went to investigate the feasibility of running a new cable and have got carried away and started to create a route so I'm going to hardwire it now.
half of the route between the consumer unit and loft I needed to run another cable for solar panels this year anyway so may as well just get it done now.

some more tests
10:15AM, everything still connected , 2.5MB/s down and 0.3MB/s up
10:17AM, disconnected ethernet cable from powerline adapter in garage, did another speedtest and its back up to 17MB/s download and 2.5MB/s upload

so going by those test results could be something to do with the camera? I'll have it hard wired by tomorrow anyway so we will see then
Success, it's hardwired and working my internet is back to normal speeds, it's slightly faster with the powerline's completely unplugged and have done 3 tests this evening all over 20Meg.
just got to find someone to fill a chase in my wall and do a bit of plastering on the inside now