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You get what you pay for....


New Member
I could only afford a CCTV set up for around £400, shopped around for kit that met my criteria and bought it from Domar.
"Disappointed" is an understatement.
The actual cameras are OK, the NVR is reasonable. But the software is AWEFUL.
You are expected to use one app (Camhipro) to be alerted on your phone, but use another app (Bitvision) to record events to the NVR and then view them. Of course, the 2 apps don't necessarily react to the same events.
Customer service is spotty, with terse email responses (they don't like to speak on the phone.).

Two apps! This can't be 'normal'...
Hi @xbrewmaker

Yes, having two apps for accessing these related/interlinked features is very odd.

Looking at the names of those apps it looks like Domar is probably using 3rd-party apps that will work with any camera rather than developing their own all-in-one app.

Your title for this post is something we always say when customers ask "Is there anything cheaper?", yes you can go cheaper but in the long run you'll end up paying more when products fail or don't meet your requirements and you have to buy more kit.