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Why do my cameras keep changing resolution on Notification emails?


Active Member
Really can someone really help me. Im getting fking tired of asking the same.

Why o why do my cameras keep changing resolution on Notification emails.

One minute they're sending me 3 low res images from the same camera, the next its 1 high res image. I just want them all to send me 1x high res image.

And on another note why is my NVR constantly telling me i need an upgrade

Tonight its
from Current version
V4.61.30 Build 240123

To Latest version
V4.61.030 Build 240123

What the f? I gather this is what i wants to do incrementally patch from .030 to .3? I will say patch but i bet it tells me again tomorrow a patch is needed, its like one a day i don't believe.

That aside the cameras bother me more. Why are they doing this?
Well if you have VBR set on those channels , it could be that at the certain time snapshot was taken your channel did not have enough bandwidth to be at maximum bitrate. I might be wrong but its worth a try setting 1 camera at CBR and testing it out. Let me know the results.

Ignore this update, its string check if string1 != string2 show update. Somebody forgot to add 0 and now you have that stupid notification. it is the same firmware.