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Hik-Connect When Hik-Connect is shared to another user arm/disarm is missing?


I have set up some cameras with siren and strobe lights. As part of this on the Hik-Connect app I have set up the one key arm/disarm and I can click to select arm, silent arm and disarm. Brilliant!

I then shared the device to my wife for her to use the app too and she is missing all the options to arm/disarm.
She can live view etc etc but nothing anywhere to arm or disarm.

Anyone got any idea?
Is this a flaw in the setup and only one user can have that functionality?
Hikvision PTZ cameras
Have you found a solution to this issue?
In the end I just added one account to both devices rather than shared the device to another account if that makes sense. It does mean occasional gremlins like a camera won’t stream as it thinks it’s streaming on the other device already but I think that’s more of an NVR firmware issue rather than app specific.
I was thinking on the same work around solution but this is not an option for a business that has a home system linked to the same account and wants to share with a partner that has rights to arm / disarm. Have you tried setting the alarm permissions to the user using the website https://www.hik-connect.com
I was thinking on the same work around solution but this is not an option for a business that has a home system linked to the same account and wants to share with a partner that has rights to arm / disarm. Have you tried setting the alarm permissions to the user using the website https://www.hik-connect.com
I tried a few things including that and none would let the feature enable. I did contact Hikvision who couldn’t offer a solution either.
This is no good, not being able to do this.
It seems a basic feature that most other budget vendors can do.
A business would have to share the same account credentials and cannot view cameras at the same time, surely it can be patched and fixed?
I am surprised not many more people are not on here looking for answers.
This is no good not been able to do this, seems basic feature that most other budget vendors can do.
Which budget vendor offers arming and disarming of alarms from multiple linked user accounts?
A business would have to share same account credentials and cannot view cameras at the same time surely it can be patched and fixed
Multiple users with the same user account can be logged into the system and view cameras simultaneously - that issue does not exist. Any limitation on camera viewing is based on either number of simultaneous connections or outgoing bandwidth whichever is reached first. There's nothing to be patched/fixed as it's not a fault; it is by design.
I am surprised not many more people are not on here looking for answers.
I would say it's a fairly niche use case but agree some may want the feature. It's a feature request ultimately. To put it into context, users have been asking Hikvision to allow the ordering/rearranging of devices on the Hik-Connect 'Home' screen for 3 or 4 years. That has still not been implemented and may never be.
Below are two vendors that I know of that have this feature, might not be a simplied as Hikvison but it can be done;

It may be a niche case but alot of small business owners have homes with Hikvision installed and want to avail of one app been used to monitor both locations, it would make sence to have Hikvision installed over another vendor because of this or business owners that have no cameras at home or are looking to upgrade existing could now be swayed to a different vendor been installed in both locations because this feature is missing.

I guess it would seem safe enough to share with close family but it lacks a professional feeling to have to share account holder credentials with a member of staff or partner and if a staff or partner has a hikvison system installed already, they would have logout and login while alarms are going off.

Hikvision makes professional equipment and is easy to setup and configure but I have to say not having this feature on Hik-connect app is a negative and should be documented clearly to buyers that this cannot be done.

I can see a Hik-Connect for Teams is available and is a paid service once free trial ends, do you know if this has the arming and disarming of alarms from multiple linked user accounts? It's like Hikvision are trying to push a monthly subscription now for extra features, I can understand this from a business point of view that they want to make more money.

"ordering/rearranging of devices on the Hik-Connect 'Home' screen for 3 or 4 years." this would also be a nice feature to add as it can be done using Dahua DMSS.