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Suspected Bricked - DS-2CD4A26FWD-IZHS


I have a second hand 2cd4a26fwd-izhs camera, I have hooked it up to both an NVR and a POE Switch, it powers up and you can see the infrared lights come on.

However when I load up SADP I get nothing, I have tried TFTP to no avail.

I have tried the factory reset button and that doesn't appear to work either.

My setup is fine as I have another camera that comes up straight away in SADP.

The only other option is the serial port but I don't have a cable.

Am I missing something or is it just kaput
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I have now managed to connect via TFTP with the device pinging back.

On the box it says it has v5.3.5_151218 although that could have been changed.

I have tried:
  • PJ14PC20200817211_FF_R3_EN_STD_5.4.5_201026_CAR
  • PJ14PC20200817211_FF_R3_EN_STD_5.4.5_201106_CAR
Hi @hairymonkey

I would recommend trying v5.4.3 from the Hikvision Download Portal and if that doesn't work then try going through the other newer versions in that portal folder.
Thanks Dan,

I've managed to setup Wireshark and grab some traffic:

18 8.881541 TFTP 84 Read Request, File: digicap.dav, Transfer type: octet, timeout=5, blksize=512
19 8.882507 TFTP 74 Error Code, Code: File not found, Message: File not found or No Access

The digicap.dav file is in the same folder as tftpsserv.exe and the directory is correct.

I've tried with all the files on the Hikvision page
Are you in the UK or another region? This may or may not be of any use but regarding firmware...

I have 2 of these cameras:
Both are R3 firmware type and both are running V5.4.5 build 170731 and over the years I have never been able to find an updated firmware that will load on these 2 cameras. I have tried various firmware files from various UK/Europe portal without any success.

I see a matching version/build firmware on the UK portal here although due to HikVision's utterly terrible portals and no release notes for most firmwares it's difficult to know if this is even the same/right one. But as your camera is bricked already then probably nothing to lose!
Thanks codlord, I am in the UK.

Apologies I have amended the Model No's it should have been DS-2CD4A26FWD-IZHS.
Hi @hairymonkey

If your model doesn't include the /P but has the 'H' in -IZHS this would suggest you have a standard bullet rather than an ANPR bullet which would use the firmware versions you have already been trying.

The standard 4A26FWD bullet should just use standard R3 firmware which you can find HERE

If you try updating to these versions and still get error messages I can only think that your camera is already running the latest firmware (the last new 4A26FWD firmware was in 2018) and if you still can't access the camera there must be a fault with it.
Thanks Dan I got it to connect on a different laptop, and start updating I get the file complete but not the final update message.

It pings on when rebooted but that’s about it