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Running a PTZ camera from the NVR's POE supply?


Well-Known Member
Hi all,

I have bought a new PTZ to run on my home system. The NVR is a POE 7608 i series. Roughly a year old. It’s running X3 4K colourvu’s, X2 4K darkfighter (all turrets) and a 2mp 7 line ANPR.

I completely overlooked buying a POE injector, and intend to order one Monday. However today looks to be the last sunny day I’m going to have to fit the new PTZ. Will the NVR have enough power to run the camera until I get the injector, without causing damage? I know I’ve got a psu I can use in the box. Ideally however if I can get away with one 8mm hole for a data cable I’d rather that than a 16mm hole to get 2 cable through. The cable run will be around 8-10meters. Thanks in advance for any help :-)
It depends which PTZ camera model you have, some need only a low wattage POE supply, some need a lot of Watts!
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It depends which PTZ camera model you have, some need only a low wattage POE supply, some need a lot of Watts!
Thanks for getting back to me Phil. It’s a DS-2DE4A425IW-DE(S6), got it up yesterday and it seems all good just running off the NVR. I thought I might need to bump the POE setting up to long distance, but didn’t even need to do that. Long term, would an injector be a good idea?
The 4A425IW-DE(S6) Datasheet states that it uses 802.3at PoE standard (PoE+) and has a maximum power draw of 18W, the Hikvision NVR supports up to 30W per port and has a total PoE budget of 120W. So, running one PTZ off the NVR PoE ports should be fine, you would only need to consider moving the PTZ camera(s) if you plan to have multiple PTZs.

If you are going to add more cameras but they are all going to be fixed cameras then that should also be fine as the power used by most fixed cameras ranges from 5-10W so they shouldn't pass that 120W budget.
Lovely thanks chaps. No plans to run any more PTZs.I’ve only got one more port on the NVR, but want 2 more fixed cams :-s
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Hi all, holy thread resurrection here!

I have now added another PTZ to my system, this one on a longer run the the initial one. Immediately it became apparent power was an issues, the night footage is poor and the IR diodes are barely visible.

I’ve bought a couple of POE injectors, one 60w and one 30w. I want to put both the PTZs (and probably the ANPR) on POE injectors. All cams currently working and powered by the NVR. Is it simple a case of unplug the lead from the NVR, turn off power to that port, plug in the injector and connect it all back up? Anything else I would need to do?

Many thanks
Hi @R_M

What model is the new PTZ camera?
How long is the camera run for the PTZ?
Thanks for getting back to me Dan, it’s another DS-2DE4A425IW-DE(S6).
I am now running a 16chan IDS NVR and not the i series I used to have.
Thanks @R_M

How long is the cable run for the new DS-2DE4A425IW-DE(S6) PTZ? Is it beyond 100m?

If it is less than 100m there should not be any issues powering the PTZ directly off the NVR PoE ports.
The run on the new PTZ is around 30 meters, no joins and run in cat 5e.
I had assumed the same when I bought the IDS NVR. However, I back to backed all the settings with my older PTZ and the night footage remains poor. I’ve also noticed a bit of a deterioration in image quality on both the ANPR and the older PTZ after connecting the new one.
additionally I had to bump up the power setting to long run in order to bring any of the above mentioned cameras online. This was the same on the both the i series and the IDS
okay, setting the PoE ports to long run/long distance mode could be the issue because doing this caps the bandwidth the camera can use to 10Mbps and when the cameras switch to IR mode the bandwidth usage can increase a bit and so this might be what is reducing the quality at night.

You said you couldn't get the PTZ cameras to connect when the ports were set to the standard 'short distance' mode, what happens if you switch those ports back to 'short distance' mode while the camera is online? Does it go offline/disconnect?
okay, setting the PoE ports to long run/long distance mode could be the issue because doing this caps the bandwidth the camera can use to 10Mbps and when the cameras switch to IR mode the bandwidth usage can increase a bit and so this might be what is reducing the quality at night.

You said you couldn't get the PTZ cameras to connect when the ports were set to the standard 'short distance' mode, what happens if you switch those ports back to 'short distance' mode while the camera is online? Does it go offline/disconnect?
That’s a good question, I have never tried to drop them back down. I will try knocking it down to short run and report back.
Ok, so I popped up in to the loft and had a play. Turns out all my cams were set on long run. I put all down to low power and the PTZs and ANPR dropped offline, alone with 2 Colorvu’s and a darkfighter - all 4K cams. Restored all back to long distance and all duly came back online.
As is usual with my luck with Hik adding the injector didn’t work. Turned the power off to the port and plugged in the injector. Upon checking the POE settings it was showing a short circuit. FML, I had forgotten why I stopped messing about with this stuff.