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Playing back Video files from Hikvision NVR


I cant seem to play back the files i download from my Hikvision NVR.

Using IE web browser, i connect to my NVR
I playback the footage on one of my outdoor cams.
I clip the section i want by clicking on the scissors icon during playback then again when i have got the footage i want.
I navigate to the folder its saved it in on my PC, in .mp4 format.
I open it but VLC player shows the progress bar moving but nothing plays.

My footage is recorded in H.265 +, Full frame rate, Higher video quality, 3072 *2048 resolution, 4096 bitrate.

Any ideas?
Playing high resolution H.265 is still a bit tricky. A late VLC version on a beefy PC should stand some chance. Try other players. VS Player might work, or MPC BE.

I don’t know the encoding changes they make for the plus bit and that might be causing VLC difficulties. It’s still early days for HEVC/H.265.
Ive got a pretty high end gaming rig. I will give VS player and MPC a go. Unless there are some codecs i need to install..
You have the codec. VLC nightly build of V3 also worth a try if the others fail to play.
You have the codec. VLC nightly build of V3 also worth a try if the others fail to play.
Solved thank you!
VS Player works fine.

The video captures the Blue Intrusion polygon lines and the green motion lines though. Is there a way to save the files without this?

Thanks again
Good to hear you can play them.

I don't get the motion lines on mine, so maybe your NVR has an option mine lacks. Hopefully someone else has a suggestion.
Solved thank you!
VS Player works fine.

The video captures the Blue Intrusion polygon lines and the green motion lines though. Is there a way to save the files without this?

Thanks again
The blue and green lines are showing the VCA/Motion detection on the displayed image - they can be turned off on the VS Player playback by right clicking in the playback image and selecting 'Image control' - 'VCA Info' and unticking the required option. It's just a function of VSPlayer as I understand it.