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Lost access/live feed to cameras via NVR and browser/VMS

Hi thanks both for above. Another couple of abnormal shutdowns this week. NVR still powered on (not powering down Phil), but not accessible via browser, ping or SADP. Not 'caught' it at it either as timing varies.
What I have done today is.
1. Upgraded all cameras to Firmware 5.4.5 from Europe site.
2. Dropped down MAINSTREAM from 25 to 20 fps and Max Bitrate from 4096 to 3072. On all cameras.
3. Dropped down SUBSTREAM from 20 to 10fps. Left Max Bitrate at 2048. On all cameras.
I did notice a couple of the cameras time/regions where China. Made sure all are now GMT. Same as NVR.

Fingers crossed !
I found some suggestion that turning off UPnP might help (on the NVR). It’s not under Network, NAT on mine.
ok. thanks.
Unfortunately with what I did re post #21 above yesterday there was no success. Abnormal shutdown again this morning. Have reduced FPS down to 15 on all cameras. I did notice IPv4 gateway address in cameras was an old one so have updated that.

I have this morn also disabled UPnP per Magic919 suggestion above, and rebooted cameras and NVR individually.
I have also reformatted the HDD in the NVR based on some other posts I read on others having HDD issues causing abnormal shutdowns.
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No luck following the above. In fact in some ways it is 'worse'. This in that following typical loss of access (even tho NVR power and n/w LEDS all on) and a reboot, nothing. Did this 3 times (wife whilst I was away) but no recovery. I came back did same but then used SADP.
SADP saw NVR but as 'inactive'. I activated in SADP and then noted IP address had changed. Reset and then went in via IP address+browser.
It looked like the whole NVR had reset itself. Almost back to defaults.
I re-configured manually. Then re-configured Virtual Host and went to each camera and reset/re-configured each of them with correct IP address, etc as each camera was offline. Had to remember to set them to MANUAL for config on NVR, then set Virtual Host to access them, and fortunately I had written down the IP addresses I had previously set the camera's to. I used those IP address in NVR/Virtual Host and bingo, they came back online. Went to each camera. Reset it for time, etc.
ALSO IN ADDITION I ensure UPnP was off on every camera as well as the NVR.
It did take a while for a couple of the cameras to appear on live feed on PC and ipads/iVMS but they did all appear after about 10mins.
They have been on for around 28hours so far.....
.... and THEN the NVR had another abnormal shutdown :-( really starting to get on my preverbials now.
Rebooted. This time (unlike last week) it came back on line. Could access via browder, ivms, etc. No troubles.
Some config items appear to have changed without me touching it including both Enable Motion Detection and Enable Dynamics Analysis for Motion for each camera all being set/ticked. Have turned these off/disabled and saved for each camera.
I am not simply starting to wonder if the NVR has an intermittent fault in h/w not obvious.
Any new ideas folks?
Another abnormal shutdown. @Phil for DS-7608NI-SE / P NVR I have, I have installed Firmware V3.0.15 build 151230 and Encoding version V1.0 build 140828. Are these the correct versions?
I ask, as from the inevitable frustrated googling on Abnormal Shutdowns on 76xx I note a number of threads indicating their have dropped back a ver and the issue has gone. Have you seen/heard of issues in this version of Firmware or Encoding?

I have now put a timer clock on the NVR to reboot it at midnight (another option folks seem to have gone to).
Not favoured as wont do the disk any good in long term from my opinion, but I am starting to think the Firmware is screwing memory in the NVR and making it go offline. I remember this in my youth as PC engineer on a range of Compaq and Dell serves with recurring memory overflow issues that only a reboot (until a patch was released) would fix. Old skool?!
It's a shame they don'y have telnet on these. They used to have it, but switched it off on later firmware, then removed the daemon. Would be a good way to reboot it and possibly check for memory leaks. I've checked mine and port 23 is shut when I scan it.

Sending it a signal to gracefully shut down would be kinder. A modern PC can do this via the front panel switch (to the ACPI daemon). Haven't tried this on a Hikvision NVR.
Agree would be kinder.
I am interested in down-grading the Firmware or indeed if the one I have has been superceeded.
This as my mind (I am old) is increasingly making me think this madness didn't start until I upgraded to Build 15230.
But now I have done HDD format, reset, etc then all that is lost for me to tie back.
I only have other blogs indicating their random 'abnormal shutdowns' were fixed as a result of down-grade.
Will await @Phil insights as the oracle on these things. Thank goodness for USE-IP to bring sanity
Hello Dave,
I haven't got any other reports or experience of this.

This is the downloads page at the European portal for your NVR:

You are running the latest.
By all means test an earlier version to see if it solves this issue.
Hi Dave,

Did you get anywhere with this? I'm having similar issues with random abnormal shutdowns.
Hi Adam. Basically I put a timer on the socket and use that to turn off/on the NVR at midnight. No more abnormal shutdowns since. Made ton of config changes prior but without finding anything that fixed the issue. I found the idea of the timer on another forum. I am.wondering (based on IT past) that NVR memory has fault and needs flushing via the reboot. Hope that helps.