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How Do I Download 7hrs of Footage from my Hikvision NVR?

Thanks very much Dan - makes sense. Have now painted everything blue and will advise in next day how it goes.

And looking at previous recordings it’s now obvious that not all time was being recorded (ie there were gaps between recordings between each file). No wonder I was getting 5-6 weeks worth of recordings on my 3TB drive… looks like I’ll need to add a 2nd drive now we are actually recording continuous…

Dan - I can already see the above has fixed the problem… latest file is 8 mins and 44 MB in size and growing. Good given I made the change 8 mins ago.

Thanks again - much appreciated.
Thanks @JohnD

So looking at that screenshot you actually have the camera set to Event recording (Purple), to set it to continuous recording you need to select the "Continuous" button (highlighted in red in your screenshot) and then drag & drop across the schedule to colour it in completely Blue for 24/7 continuous recording.

Once you've done this, you'll then need to leave it for a couple of hours to see if it is now successfully continuously recording and creating 300-minute packets.

Hi Dan - the continuous recording continues to work perfectly now - thanks. As expected, a new file is created every time the file size gets to 1GB regardless of the recording packets being set to 300mins.

Final question - now my recording is continuous, I still get event alerts on my iPhone which is great. But is there a way to see these events when logged into the NVR via a browser (ie see both a “marker” showing when an event occurred on a timeline, as well as seeing the ~30 second footage of the actual event) ?
Hi @JohnD

Good to hear the continuous recording is working.

Unfortunately, it is not possible to view smart event markers in the playback timeline, this feature used to be supported but Hikvision said it was making the browser access unstable so they removed it.

You can still search for and view events using either a direct monitor or the desktop iVMS-4200 software.