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Hikvision Password Reset - Do It Yourself

Agreed a minefield - and a basic design flaw with the Hikvision range. They seem to have acknowledged this by adopting a standard very simialr to other network device vendors for their later cameras - use a reset button that requires physical access to the device. Most of the new cameras appear to have this capability, implying they had a change of view on this and closed the gap. What is lacking is a similar feature on the NVRs - this could have easily been provided on the motherboard of these units - requiring opening up - hence physical access.

Hikvision could have added a basic form of validation for devices by requiring the serial number from the sticker on the device - but ironically they reveal that in SADP so doesn't help as it is obtainable electronically and hence a risk.

Other DIY reset processes don't work with an NVR. So basically if you don't know the original installer of an NVR and don't know the password, I guess Hikvision are implying you need to buy the device again and scrap what is likely a perfectly working unit.
Several of Hikvision's NVRs have RS-232 connectors and for those that don't, there should be a JST connector on the main board. With software like SecureCRT and the right cables, you can flash and reset the device. More modern NVRs work well with TFTP resetting. Agreed, the reset process is overly complicated and needs to be addressed.
My DVR is a HiLook which I understand is manufactured by Hivision. Anyway, I just wanted to ask if the default password is 12345?
If HiLook recorders are the same as the others by Hikvision then there won't be a default password, you should have been asked to set a password when you first set the DVR up.
Okay, that was very helpful. I don't know why I didn't write down the password when I set it a few weeks ago, what an idiot. It makes me think that I must have used a password that I know already. Tell me, does the password have to contain both characters and numerical digits, or does it needs to contain other characters as well, i.e.@, or $?
It's a pain keeping up with them all, we recommend to try keep the same password for all your devices.

I can't say for sure for HiLook, but Hikvision NVRs will generally let you set any password (not necessarily including special characters such as @ ? ! or numbers). It will, however, grade the password as you set it and will only grade it as "strong" if you include a special characters or numbers.

You may have a hard reset button on the NVR which would allow you to reset the password, but would leave you with the whole setup process again. You could also try the SADP method for resetting but I don't know if this works differently for HiLook: How to Reset the Password of your Hikvision Camera/NVR in 5 steps using the SADP Tool.
Recommended route is to use SADP's forgot password option and send the xml to Hikvision. If that is not an option you could try using TFTP. I've done it on a DS-7616NI-K2 but not sure about the I2.
the TFTP method didn't work when I tried it in an I series. It started to load the firmware but never completed. I tested a camera with the same setup - that completed perfectly. I didn't find a hardware reset button on the board
Did you use Hikvision's TFTP? Which firmware did you try load? There is a file size cap of 32MB on Hikvision's TFTP app that might have prevented the upload.
Yes it was Hikvision's TFTP server. I didn't know about the file size limit - that will have been it then as it was 4.22.005 I tried which is 50 MB. I shoudl have tried an old V3 firmware which is smaller andthen upgraded later. In the case of this NVR I was able to find someone that knew the password in the end.
As a previous poster said, I'd be more than happy to pay for the password reset service...
I am a Security Technician and have no problems with obtaining password reset criteria directly from Hikvision or Authorised Distributor, as long as the product is not Grey Market/Import .................... so those who mentioned "happy to pay for password reset service" ....here is your answer
Is it an NVR or just cameras you have? There are tried and tested processes for camera password resets, but they don't work for an NVR.

Question for the Use IP team - I know you are able and willing to support people with a reset on a device purchased from Use IP. I wonder - for a fee would you be able to provide a reset service for a device a customer inherited so didn't purchase from you? Totally understand you are a commercial organisation, so wouldn't do this free of charge.
Have you gained control of your Hikvision stuff yet