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Door Entry Hikvision DS-KD8003 Door Station => how to dial a SIP extension?


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Guys, i have setup a PBX server, created an extension
i have the DS-KD8003 registered succesfully on the FreePBX

but where can i tell in ivms that it also need to call anoher SIP extension?

Guys, i have setup a PBX server, created an extension
i have the DS-KD8003 registered succesfully on the FreePBX

but where can i tell in ivms that it also need to call anoher SIP extension?

Can't register DS-KD8003 in my FreePBX wich protocol did you used? still some steps before calling and extension. hope you can help me.
Hi there,
I'm struggling with the DS-KD8003 and the latest firmware V2.2.50_210713
I managed to get it to register with FreePBX on chan_sip (pjsip had authentication failures) but I don't really see where I can configure which extension to call when I press the button.

Any hints?

P.S.: I don't have an indoor station, I'm trying to use it with my wall-mounted smarthome tablets.
In the intercom settings, press number to call, there is default '1' , just change that to a number 2 for example, then on the other tab, there you can add sip numbers... Add number 2 there with a corresponding SIP number
I had it running succes, audio and video...

Only never got early video to work on the clients, i needed to pick up first to see the person at the door
I'm unable to save anything here:


I always get "Save failed" which is not very helpful. What format does the "Button Settings" field expect?
strange, i can save here perfectly

for instance:


perfect :)

do you have early video ?

its also possible to add more sip numbers , if you have a keypad on the ds-kd8003 , you can call those numbers with pressing like

#2 or #3 .....
I currently don't have video, trying with Linphone Android client. Probably need to try different settings.
ah, i tried with linphone too , i got video, if i remeber correctly, you need to enable the correct codec
also if testing from outside local LAN, you need to open extra ports for incoming traffic, the PBX port is not enough
also coded issue probably

also try playing with TCP vs UDP, i believe TCP had no audio
Yeah... I don't get any audio (or video) when calling from Android client to Windows client so this is not an Hikvision issue.

I guess this is related to the bridge networking of the freepbx docker container .
i struggled too with that , in my case it was because of TCP , when i switched to UDP or visa versa, it started working between linphone clients
Rtsp is for video? Audio should work without it