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Hikconnect change notifications sounds on ios or android?


Hi, I have 2 questions if anyone could please answer?
Can you change the notification sound when there is an even on the Hikconnect app?
Also is it possible to transfer the hikconnect device without deleting the device? I may have accidently made my hikconnect as the main user instead of the client and I would like to see if its possible to transfer to another account without deleting the device as I know if I delete the device the client will be deleted aswell.

Thank you
Certainly on the Android version you can, but you do not do it from within the app. Find the Hikconnect app under setttings/apps, then click notifications, then notification categories, then either Hik-Connect or Miscellaneous and sound. Depending on your phone/version of Android this could be different for you.

Not sure you can transfer a Hik device from one account to another, think only option is to delete and then add to account you need it in.
Can you change the notification sound when there is an even on the Hikconnect app?
Only through the phone settings. For iOS, all apps that don't have a setting to alter their notification sound (that includes Hik-Connect) use the tone specified in Settings > Sounds & Haptics > Default Alerts. If your issue is that the new iOS default notification ('Rebound') isn't audible enough, you're now able to alter it to any tone you want including the original 'Tri-tone'. Apple made that change (the ability to change the default tone) in iOS after complaints about then new tone being inaudible.

Also is it possible to transfer the hikconnect device without deleting the device?
No definitely not. In the standard Hik-Connect app you can only share the device. You need to delete the device in your Hik-Connect app in order for the client to be able to add it to their account.

This is the reason as installers we use Hik Partner Pro. When I install a system I add it to my HPP account and initially it's under my control ('not handed over'). On commissioning, I have the client get the Hik-Connect app and create themselves a Hik-Connect account within it. I then select the site in HPP and Handover Site > Hand over by Transferring. Entering the clients Hik-Connect account e mail sends them an invite and once accepted, ownership and control of the system is transferred.
Can you change the notification sound when there is an even on the Hikconnect app?

Not with iOS. :(
As mentioned above, if the app concerned (including Hik-Connect !!) does not have the setting within notifications to choose a custom alert sound then you are stuck with the default sound.
Its frustrating when a push notification from Hik sounds the same as every other app....!

I recently had a play using a hand me down Android phone and on that you can specify any sound you like.
I'm not at all brand loyal and now considering moving over to Android simply because I can choose a unique notification sound for Hik.
I'm not at all brand loyal and now considering moving over to Android simply because I can choose a unique notification sound for Hik.
I switched from iOS to Android a couple of years ago and lasted only a few months before switching back again. The Samsung phone I got was full of bloatware and I just found Android clunky to use. TBF I’ve heard others say the reverse so it is purely personal preference.