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Change DS-2CD2042WD-I connection from assigned IP address to PoE


Active Member
I have five of my eight cameras connected to my DS-7608NI-E2 / 8P/A NVR using PoE (automatically assigned as 192.168.254.x) but the original three were set up with their own fixed IP addresses (192.168.178.xx).

How can I persuade the system to forget the three fixed IP addresses and use automatically assigned PoE connections instead?
Hi @digital

The simplest way to do this would be to hard reset the cameras to inactive, then when you connect them to the PoE ports on the NVR they should be activated with an NVR subnet IP address.

If you don't want to hard reset the cameras then you will need to open the Hikision SADP Tool or login to the cameras directly and change the cameras IP address to an available address on the NVR subnet (e.g. / / / etc...) and change their gateway addresses to the NVR subnet address (

Once you make these changes you will no longer be able to login to these cameras with a browser, but you can now move the camera to the NVR PoE ports. If you plug the camera into port 6 (for example) you would then need to go into the NVR camera management page and click edit on the D6 channel, this will bring up a pop-up menu with the details of that channel and you will want to switch it from 'Plug & Play' to 'Manual' and then enter the IP address you just changed the camera to and its username and password. Click OK and those details should be saved and after a few seconds/a minute the camera should connect to the NVR.
Thank you! I shall go through the hard reset route and let the system sort itself out. Once I've taken a couple of deep breaths!
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