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White light detection on my DS-2CD2347G2-LU ?



I cant find the setting for white light detection on my colorvu acusence DS-2CD2347G2-LU

got audio and good color pics at night but want the white light detection to come on when event triggered



I cant find the setting for white light detection on my colorvu acusence DS-2CD2347G2-LU

got audio and good color pics at night but want the white light detection to come on when event triggered


You need to have the latest firmware version loaded (5.5.160). It's available here:


ok i've done the firmware but still not there so must be my NVR which is a Videoteknika VN2008 / 8P

so which NVR is the better?​

DS-7616NI-K2/16P - Hikvision 16 Channel NVR​

DS-7616NI-I2/16P - Hikvision 16 Channel NVR​


ok i've done the firmware but still not there so must be my NVR which is a Videoteknika VN2008 / 8P

so which NVR is the better?​

DS-7616NI-K2/16P - Hikvision 16 Channel NVR​

DS-7616NI-I2/16P - Hikvision 16 Channel NVR​

Ahh OK - I wasn't aware you were using a third party (non Hikvision NVR). If you've logged into the camera with a web browser to update the firmware, you should also be able to access all settings for the events as well and activate the feature. I have cameras with that firmware but they're not the ColorVu models so can't advise where the setting is exactly.

The I2 is far better performance wise than the K2. It will accept cameras up to 12 megapixels and runs the full version of the latest version 4 firmware. See this post:

@waksat I read that the UK version of Colorvu does not support event triggered supplemental LED light. I cannot find it on my G1 colorvu.
@waksat I read that the UK version of Colorvu does not support event triggered supplemental LED light. I cannot find it on my G1 colorvu.

You won’t get it on the original G1 ColorVu - that’s never had a firmware update since 5.6.5 but the op has the new G2 (combined ColorVu and AcuSense) Apparently the 5.5.160 update for the G2 (G3 firmware) models has the feature. I’ve not seen it personally as my G2’s are AcuSense only so the menu is different.
@waksat . After logging into the camera , you find "LED light" under the Linkage Method tab.
I can see it there on my 2047G2.
It's documented in the release notes on the portal download page.
yes thanks i've found it in Linkage Method

i was trying to follow this guide but the menu is different
The above video relates to the Australian custom firmware version.

Well spotted @JB1970 I have been looking out for that. :)
Is this latest .160 on the UK portal a stable version? As you know, the last one (early Feb) got pulled.
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I have installed .160 on one of my 2347G2s, will play around and test white light triggered by events tomorrow.
Unfortunately the online help hasn't been updated and makes no reference to the white light triggering setup :confused:
Hi @Ianc

Yeah, unfortunately, Hikvision does not keep those help guides up to date, there are some more details about the strategy/rules of 'light triggered by event' in the release notes that are attached to the below new forum thread:

I've tested this on the version 2 cameras and it does work. the light can be set to trigger for 5-90 seconds from motion, or line crossing, or intrusion. Check your NVR for how many of the smart events it supports- I think mine's limited to 2 per camera.

I can't find a a way to only get it to trigger in low light or dark conditions only which is a shame. I've edited out the times so it doesn't go off during the day, but obviously the daylight hours change a lot through the year.

Out of 8 cameras 2 of them have been bricked as of today. I've tried downgrading the firmware and everything but no luck. Hopefully when support are open on Monday they will have some more ideas to recover them. TFTP updater isn't working, and cameras don't show up in SADP so I've run out of ideas! White light is on constantly now as well :rolleyes:.
The ones that took the update are great though, and customers are very happy :)
Out of 8 cameras 2 of them have been bricked as of today.
Has that happened as a result of the firmware update process? If so it's pretty unusual. I've occasionally had cameras that have immediately brought up an "update failed" message and on rare occasions I've temporarily "lost them" completely. However on those occasions I've restored connection after a full power down (as opposed to a reboot) and been able to subsequently complete the update.
Has that happened as a result of the firmware update process? If so it's pretty unusual. I've occasionally had cameras that have immediately brought up an "update failed" message and on rare occasions I've temporarily "lost them" completely. However on those occasions I've restored connection after a full power down (as opposed to a reboot) and been able to subsequently complete the update.
In all honesty they are the first upgrades I've tried over wifi so that might be the cause. My concern is not being able to flash them or restore them now though. After the update they came back online on the NVR, but I couldn't access them through the virtual host. I then put one onto a POE switch and tried direct connection, but still couldn't connect.

I power cycled the cameras, and the NVR before trying to reset the camera. After resetting the camera went back to its default IP but there was still no web access. Then I tried TFTP recovery with old and new firmware, but it errors when I try to upload the files...one for Monday now!