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Where to set Motion sensing areas?


i am wondering where is the best place/app/tool to set the motion sensing areas. I have the 7608 NVR. I have found the motion sense features in:
-local console NVR
-web management page, (using virtual host) of the IP cam.

it seems the area settings are not reflected in all apps, i.e. set the squares in ivms and the local console doesnt show the new layout.
IF i make the changes in local console, that DOES then reflect in all the other apps. But i want to run the NVR headless so put away securely and access the nvr using ivms or web.

i hope that makes sense. what is the best way to set motion sense areas
Plus One for this question.

I'm also having difficulties getting intrusion detection going.
I Have read extensively, but get conflicting versions of the information,
due to different firmware in devices used in the descriptiolns.

Have tried setting it in the DVR's Smart Event;
In there I can draw an area & set thresholds & sensitivity.

I've also tried in the Camera's own Web interface via the virtual host;
In there I can draw 3 areas, Max, Min & Area #1.
Settings in there are also sensitivity & threshold.

My DVR has 3.4.93 & the cameras are 5.50.

Just wondering what is best practice & whether the cameras should first be reset o default & then set from which interface.

Still a little confused on where best to set this? In the NVR or directly at the camera.

My too interfaces, as mentioned above are as below.
The Camera's interface...
Has the Max, Min settings...

The NVR's interface which is more basic.
In this image it is showing the region set in that camera, after I cleared it's setting in the NVR.


Is this where "Dual VCA" comes into play?
Few things I wonder,
If it's only set at the camera end, does that lessen the CPU burden on the NVR?

Tried setting it in both places separately, but it's always the last region that is saved.

Docs & Tutorials don't seem to go too deeply into these two available options & their differences.

