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What is the default password of Hikvision?


Staff member
Hikvision devices no longer have a default password.
They haven't for a couple of years now.
We have covered this before:
Hikvision default password

You are forced to set your own strong password when you first login and access your Hikvision IP camera, NVR, etc.

If you forget your password to your Hikvision device, you will need assistance from your Authorised Hikvision Partner or Hikvision Tech Support in your country to reset your password.
Basically, you have to export a file and send it to them, they will send you a reset file for your device.

Here's our guide on how to reset your Hikvision password with all the steps and details you need.

NB - we can only provide password reset support for our own customers - if you did not purchase you Hikvision camera or NVR from us then please don't bother contacting us, I'm afraid we cannot help (we ignore more than one request per hour!)

BTW - if you are a customer of ours, please be sure to say so when you contact us - we see so many requests, we'd hate to inadvertently overlook a customer.

Hikvision do now provide a DIY password recovery system, BUT you must configure this option BEFORE you lose your Hikvision password:
Hikvision Password Reset - Do It Yourself

The best advice is - please do not set and forget your password - you will cause yourself a load of work and hassle if you do.

We recommend, and all here use, LastPass Premium as a password manager for all of our passwords, to everything!!
(The LastPass link above is an affiliate link - it provides you and us with one month of free Premium LastPass service)
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