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Unable to play recordings downloaded from the NVR

Mark Simpson

Well-Known Member

I'm using IE11 to manage the NVR on Windows 7. I'm able to record sections of videos and they're saved in the default location in my user profile area. I can't open them tho'. I've tried VLC and Handbrake. I downloaded the converter tool and that states: "The file cannot be converted". A forum suggested setting handbrake to the same frame rate as the cameras, but that didn't work.

I can open photos captured from the same interface. "Snipped" videos fail in the same way from the direct link that pops up.

I've connected with the iVS-4200 app on this PC and on my android phone and can record and view the recordings there. I can play the recordings with the player that downloads with the PC app., but I can't play them or convert them to play with any standard PC users are likely to have installed (VLC is universally installed).

Thanks for any help
The Hikvision player that downloads from the app when you first play a video works fine.

Trouble is I need to store videos on a central share for future viewing, ie by the police. They're going to insist on a common format.