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Suggestions needed for a camera (not motion activated)


New Member
I need to set up a cheap as possible solution to film my garden in the UK to see how our pedigree cat is escaping. All the motion activated external cameras I have seen are set to specifically detect people and not animals, which is the opposite of my requirement.

Ideally I need something that will record say 24hrs and then record over it so that we review an hour or so when we find Her Meowjesty sat in the front garden looking miserable and bedragled.

This is for a hopefully short period of time cheaper is better. Since we rent we won't be able to run power through the walls so rechargable and/or solar powered would be ideal. IPTV may not even be suitable but I figured this was a good place to ask for advice anyhow.

Thanks in advance.
Hi @IanT65

The challenge you have here is that you require smart events with settings/controls which is something offered by many professional IP cameras, but you also need it to be battery/solar-powered which is not something offered by most professional IP cameras.

We have very little experience with consumer battery/solar-powered cameras so we can't offer any specific recommendations but we have pointed people to brands like Arlo and TP-Link in the past. The issue is, as you will see from both these consumer brands, these kinds of products often require a paid-for subscription to record and/or access all features of the cameras.
Thanks for the reply Dan, I'll check out the 2 brands you suggested.