We have 2 DVRs and both the DVRs are having the same static IP configuration with 80 and 81 Http ports. Able to access the both ports static IP in the browser.
We wanted to use RTSP stream of both the DVRs using and configured the different RTSP ports 1024 and 1024 for 80 and 81 HTTP ports DVRs respectively.
Able to access the first DVR [Http 80, RTSP 1024] stream in VLC player but the another DVR [Http 81, RTSP 1025] stream is not working.
Using below URL format to access the stream:
rtsp://admin:{PASSWORD@{IP}:1024/Streaming/channels/0101 - DVR 1 Camera 1 Working
rtsp://admin:{PASSWORD@{IP}:1025/Streaming/channels/0101 - DVR 2 Camera 1 Not Working
Please Note:
1. The second DVR camera is working and able to see the stream on HikVision portal.
2. Stream is also not working with RTSP port 554 configuration for DVR 2.
Can someone help, how we can fix this issue?
Thanks in advance.
We have 2 DVRs and both the DVRs are having the same static IP configuration with 80 and 81 Http ports. Able to access the both ports static IP in the browser.
We wanted to use RTSP stream of both the DVRs using and configured the different RTSP ports 1024 and 1024 for 80 and 81 HTTP ports DVRs respectively.
Able to access the first DVR [Http 80, RTSP 1024] stream in VLC player but the another DVR [Http 81, RTSP 1025] stream is not working.
Using below URL format to access the stream:
rtsp://admin:{PASSWORD@{IP}:1024/Streaming/channels/0101 - DVR 1 Camera 1 Working
rtsp://admin:{PASSWORD@{IP}:1025/Streaming/channels/0101 - DVR 2 Camera 1 Not Working
Please Note:
1. The second DVR camera is working and able to see the stream on HikVision portal.
2. Stream is also not working with RTSP port 554 configuration for DVR 2.
Can someone help, how we can fix this issue?
Thanks in advance.