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Recorded images skipping on playback



Following our discussion today regarding the above, can you please advise . This issue has been present since installed just over two weeks ago.

I have 2 x 2383 turret and 1 x 2183 dome cameras connected POE through a 7604 NVR with a Seagate Skyhawk HD and connected to a stand alone 4k monitor.
The picture quality of the cameras are fantastic, however when I play back recorded footage every minute or so the footage skips 4 seconds. This is the same on all three cameras.

When I export footage to a USB stick and play on my pc the recording actually freezes for 4 seconds and then resumes. On the stand alone monitor connected to the NVR it is quicker and does not pause, just as if it skips the 4 seconds.

I was thinking some settings in the parameters page of NVR record menu needed adjusting, too high maybe and the NVR can not cope with three 4k camera running at highest settings
That's a good place to start. Have you tried dropping the recording resolution?
Thanks for the reply. Tried dropping with various degrees of success. Not happy with image quality at lower res, hence reason of purchasing 4k.

I have attached original settings from parameters page in record menu. Lines missing from this that are on dedicated monitor are: Bit Rate Mode -General and Max bit rate recommended 25411-42352kbps. Max I can set is 8192 otherwise I get error out of bandwidth.
Can you advise best setting for this page.

I noticed on maintenance screen, system info bit rate is variable and sometimes goes over the max 8192. Not sure if that's an issue.

Live view Strategy is set to balanced, other options real time and fluency. is this best?

After trying different settings and then setting back to original, I can now only see one camera on monitor on multi screen when before all three were there. Other two show no resource. I can see them all on single screens. I read a post it was a setting in the sub stream as it uses this for multi screen, when I checked setting two were the same and low kbps the third said this function is not supported by the camera. Possibile another issue contributing to my issues.

Any help would be greatly


  • Settings.JPG
    60.1 KB · Views: 1,694
Have you tried enabling h.265+?
The last field in your screenshot - set it to ON (and save the settings) - each camera will reboot after.

This is the most efficient CODEC (for bandwidth and storage).
Hikvision's h.265+ CODEC

Your other settings look fine.

Now set all cameras to H.265+ I am trying to get my multiscreen fixed first and then I will go back to playback skipping issue.

I have concluded it is due one of the cameras losing the sub stream option, which is needed for multiscreen viewing.

With all cameras connected to NVR one camera shows on screen in main view and the other two show no resource.

If I remove the camera from the NVR then the other two show ok in sub stream mode.

Can you advise on how I recover sub stream option on offending camera? Do I need to open camera and press reset button or is there a way without getting the ladders out?
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Can you advise on how I recover sub stream option on offending camera? Do I need to open camera and press reset button or is there a way without getting the ladders out?


We just had another customer stumble across this problem, If you go to Record > Parameters > Sub Stream > and select the camera not displaying sub-stream you can adjust the sub-stream settings, click apply and the sub-stream option is no longer greyed out on live view.
Hi Dan

When I go to Record > Parameters > Sub Stream > and try to select camera I get a pop up in front of the settings saying
"this function is not supported by the camera" and the setting I can see are not adjustable.

I will post a screen shot later after work.

If I need to reset the camera from the button in the SD card slot, is there a procedure to follow ie. power off, power on etc.
This is an topic I also would like clarification on. Please anyone jump in to correct me.
IP cameras do the video encoding on-board. The NVR has to decode what is sent to it.
Your NVR should be able to record all 4K streams sent to it, however the NVR will have a maximum bitrate it can handle on a single channel.

One of Hikvision's technical bulletins states the following (not verbatim):
'It is important to note that each channel can support a different camera, as long as the total bit rate
limit is not exceeded. Remember that both the combination of the main and sub streams make up the total Bit Rate of each camera.'

I've read but am unable to confirm, that the maximum bitrate for a single channel on the 7604 is 8162Kbps.
In that case make sure your Main stream and sub-stream don't exceed 8162Kbps combined.

I'd appreciate any correction/clarification on this matter if anyone has a more definitive explanation. Please keep us posted Colan.
Update since last post.

After many hours trying different setting, resetting camera etc I seem to have a working system.

The sub stream "not available " is gone, so I can view the three cameras on multi screen in sub stream and single view in main stream.
The 4 second skip on playback is also cured.
In order to achieve this I have my encoding on H265+ Mainstream with max bitrate set at 8192Kbps, sub stream is on H265 with max bitrate at 256Kbps.

If I go any higher on either stream settings I get the "not available " error on sub stream and therefore loose the multi screen view. The only way to recover use of sub stream was to reset camera.

Stewart M - My total Kbps is slightly higher than 8162 you read about at 8448, but I may just be fortunate it works and very close to the workable limit.

Now as it seems to function ok, later this week I will move to next step and try to set up email alerts for all cameras after I have done more research.