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Recommendations for an IP PTZ with auto tracking and reasonable zoom?


Trusted Member
Looking for a smallish PTZ network camera with auto tracking and reasonable zoom.

Got a DS-7616NI-12/16P NVR and looking to straight swap it with a Colorvu turret.

Any recommendations?
I've always avoided dome cameras because of reflections? Is this true?
Dome cameras do suffer from reflection issues more than other models, but with the latest dome models, the dome design and IR LED layout has been adjusted to reduce the impact of reflection as much as possible.

Also, most PTZ models are dome-style. Some larger models come in a pendent/turret style but they are around double the size of the dome PTZs.
Size isn't too much of an issue, how does line crossing/intrusion detection work on a PTZ camera?
With the PTZ you would most likely have a default position set which is where you would have your smart event triggers set, then when you manually move the camera or it auto tracks to follow something it should return to that initial position after the movement has finished to continue monitoring the smart event trigger areas.

Will it be a simple case of just removing the old camera and swapping it over then redoing the settings?
Is there a turret style with both accusense and darkfighter?
Setup probably won't be simple if you have never used a PTZ model like this before and if you are wanting to try and set up advanced features like smart events linked to auto-tracking.

PTZ cameras are not available in the same turret style as the fixed turret cameras.