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Quick Intro


New Member
Just wanted to stop in an do a quick intro, I'm a Vivotek user here in Phoenix Az, currently running 9 IP Cams around my home (7 * 8332 and 2 * 8134v) ... this forum is long overdue and wish I'd have found it earlier.

Love the Vivotek product but very inconsistent regarding focus out of the box otherwise pretty solid, my 8332's are running outside in the Phoenix heat and have had no issue even on 120 degree F days.

Thanks for posting the focus guides, would be wonderful if Vivotek would actually have posted these on their site before I had to figure it out on my own. Even after getting information from one of their techs they never mentioned anything about removing the IR illuminators prior to refocusing, I was just pulling off the rubber shield, correcting and pushing the shield back into position.

Many thanks for the forum and with my experience on these 2 cams I may be able to help here and there.
