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NVR DS-7604NI-K1-4P(B) rebooting same time every night


Active Member
For some reason, and I just cannot figure it out, my new DS-7604NI-K1-4P(B) reboots itself nearly the same time every night.

See the last 2 days alert I receive by email:

EVENT TYPE:    Video Signal Lost
EVENT TIME:    2019-01-29, 03:08:15
NVR NAME:      Network Video Recorder
CAMERA NAME(NUM):   Front(D1)  Back(D2)  Garden(D3)  Side(D4)

EVENT TYPE:    Video Signal Lost
EVENT TIME:    2019-01-28, 03:06:52
NVR NAME:      Network Video Recorder
CAMERA NAME(NUM):   Front(D1)  Back(D2)  Garden(D3)  Side(D4)

and so on. Nearly the exact same time.

I've tried rebooting the NVR manually at random times but the 3AM reboot persists. Even factory reset a few times.

I have 4 x 8MP camera's (2385's) and when it's not rebooting itself it works great.

I was on 3.4.99 firmware but tried upgrading to the latest, 3.4.101 but no change in behaviour. Camera's also upgraded to the other day but again no improvement.

Any idea's before I declare it faulty? (but why only 3AM!)


It's an odd one.
Do the NVR's Logs show any anomalies?
Is it showing a power loss at that time each night?
Yeah, it's definitely rebooting fully rather than a network outage.

The NVR log shows "Abnormal shutdown" and then its totally fine again all day until around 3AM ish the next morning!
Can you eliminate the mains socket / circuit as a possibility?
i.e. move it upstairs/downstairs/to the kitchen circuit to test.

Otherwise, send it back to your supplier, and let them run it overnight to see what happens.
Hello tedted22,
I have trouble with the same problem. Did you manage to solve it somehow? Many thanks for your reply.