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New Firmware for G3 Series Cameras - 5.5.150


Trusted Member
New firmware is available on the UK portal for G3 platform cameras this morning (AcuSense G2 cameras) - version 5.5.150. The release notes indicate some new features and bug fixes. Who knows - it might fix the horrific frame drop I have on mine (when set to 8MP)! There are a couple of sets of release notes attached - one from the portal and one from the Hikvision UK e mail I received.

I'm going to load it on 3 of mine now - DS-2CD2346G2-IU, DS-2CD2386G2-IU and DS-2CD2386G2-ISU/SL. I'll report back if I find any anomalies...


First observation - there's a new option in smart events allowing you to set the target validity for the AcuSense Filter - Basic, High, Higher, Highest (translation - "probably a hedgehog, but might be a shadow, could be a fox, is that a human?"). It would've been a nice feature but attempting to save a change results in an error.
Screenshot 2020-11-06 at 11.28.12.png
Are you running Internet Explorer as an Administrator?
(You are pioneering; I saw a straw and clutched at it ;) )
Are you running Internet Explorer as an Administrator?
(You are pioneering; I saw a straw and clutched at it ;) )

No but I’ll try that and report back. I use a Mac so run IE via Parallels. I often just use Safari for the upgrades if I’ve no need to see the video.
@Phil Why oh why did I have to make myself the guinea pig :(

I've tried altering the setting on both the DS-2CD2386G2-IU and DS2CD2386G2-ISU/ISL using IE run as administrator and Safari. Not only can I not change the validity setting, I cannot delete the line, or change any line crossing setting (including disabling line crossing) without receiving "Device error". The DS-2CD2346G2-ISU/ISL is working normally and the validity setting can be adjusted.

The difference before starting out was that the 2346 had a minimum and maximum size box applied whereas the two 2386's didn't. The reason they didn't, was that if you draw and apply a minimum/maximum box using the I series NVR (monitor and mouse) and apply it - it appears correctly on the NVR screen but the setting doesn't get sent to the camera (is not visible when you log into the camera directly) which is another bug

I wonder if a day will come when firmware is stable. The release notes should say "fixed some bugs.....but added even more"! Time to climb into the loft to disconnect from NVR and carry out factory default with MacBook
Hi @JB1970

Thank you for jumping straight in with this firmware update and sorry you had to be the guinea pig. It does sound like another slightly disappointing update from Hikvision and it is more disappointing this time because they shared a beta version of this firmware with us about a month ago so for there to be such obvious issue still present is poor.

We will share your feedback directly with Hikvision support and see what they come back with.
Hi @JB1970

Thank you for jumping straight in with this firmware update and sorry you had to be the guinea pig. It does sound like another slightly disappointing update from Hikvision and it is more disappointing this time because they shared a beta version of this firmware with us about a month ago so for there to be such obvious issue still present is poor.

We will share your feedback directly with Hikvision support and see what they come back with.

@Dan - Just fixed it without a reset :)

Nothing could be changed with regard to line crossing using a browser including disabling line crossing. I used the NVR mouse with locally connected monitor and refreshed the browser page after each settings change so that I could see that the change was applied in the camera.

  1. Disabled line crossing
  2. Deleted line
  3. Redrew line and added min max boxes
  4. Enabled line crossing
Each change was applied to the camera (when setting via the mouse) including the minimum/maximum size boxes - so that bug is no more - bonus. It is now working correctly via the browser and I can again make all changes - including Target Validity and apply them without error.

I don't suppose the motion detection polygon randomly redrawing itself bug will be fixed but you never know...
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Thanks @JB1970

In regards to the motion detection polygon issue, I have asked Hikvision Support and they have asked for the below information.

Do you have any screenshots/screen recordings showing the 'redrawing' of the polygon?

Also, can you confirm if you have the cameras connected to an NVR? If you do what NVR model is it?
Thanks @JB1970

In regards to the motion detection polygon issue, I have asked Hikvision Support and they have asked for the below information.

Do you have any screenshots/screen recordings showing the 'redrawing' of the polygon?

Also, can you confirm if you have the cameras connected to an NVR? If you do what NVR model is it?

Hi Dan

Thanks for reporting the issue. The cameras are connected via the PoE ports of a DS-7616NI-I216/P NVR. The NVR has version 4.40.016 build 200902 firmware on - the latest build that fixed the 2 way audio issue (though the issue was present on previous versions of both camera and NVR firmware)

The polygon drawn for motion just randomly loses the shape that was drawn and saved. Sometimes the shape is random and sometimes it defaults to a rectangle. The only way I become aware thats it's happened, is that I begin to get alerts from outside of the originally framed area. I think I added images in another post some time ago (I'll have a search for the post) but I screen shot the attached a few days ago when I noticed it had happened again so don't have a "before". This one is 2386G2-IU. I've crudely marked up what was drawn originally!

Screenshot 2020-11-06 at 09.44.45.png
What are the thoughts for 5.5.150....? safe to upgrade....? I currently have all my camera on 5.5.134..... is it better to stick with this for now...?
What are the thoughts for 5.5.150....? safe to upgrade....? I currently have all my camera on 5.5.134..... is it better to stick with this for now...?

Should be fine to upgrade. The issue I've shown above seems to happen when other settings are altered or the camera is rebooted. It's a bit random and did occur on 5.5.134 as well so it's not a new issue. Hikvision are now aware of it as @Dan reported it to them and they took a look at mine remotely.
New firmware is available on the UK portal for G3 platform cameras this morning (AcuSense G2 cameras) - version 5.5.150. The release notes indicate some new features and bug fixes. Who knows - it might fix the horrific frame drop I have on mine (when set to 8MP)! There are a couple of sets of release notes attached - one from the portal and one from the Hikvision UK e mail I received.

I'm going to load it on 3 of mine now - DS-2CD2346G2-IU, DS-2CD2386G2-IU and DS-2CD2386G2-ISU/SL. I'll report back if I find any anomalies...
Hi JB1970,

Did this update on your DS-2CD2386G2-ISU/SL cameras mess up the two way audio?
Also do you know where the rotate menu is for this camera, I cannot find it in the usual place. I am trying to use one to cover a long driveway in corridor mode but cannot find the function, beginning to wonder if updates on firmware has removed it or for some reason its not possible with this camera?
Hi JB1970,

Did this update on your DS-2CD2386G2-ISU/SL cameras mess up the two way audio?
Also do you know where the rotate menu is for this camera, I cannot find it in the usual place. I am trying to use one to cover a long driveway in corridor mode but cannot find the function, beginning to wonder if updates on firmware has removed it or for some reason its not possible with this camera?

Hi Magwhy

I did have a 2 way audio issue and I thought that it was caused by the camera firmware (it seemed to be the obvious culprit), however it turned out to be the NVR firmware. There is a specific patched build of 4.40.016 for the I series NVR on the UK portal that resolves the problem. I pointed another forum user to this patch the other day and it fixed for them also. I'm not sure whether the issue is restricted to the I series NVR as I've not seen a similar patched firmware for the K series. Which model NVR do you have?

I've just checked the three models of G3 platform camera that I have running the 5.5.150 firmware (2346-ISU/SL, 2386-IU, 2386-ISU/SL) and can confirm that the rotate mode is missing from Configuration > Image > Display Settings > Video Adjustment on all of them. I'm not sure whether it was ever there on this model which is a shame as it's a handy feature. I've had a look at the data sheet and it doesn't mention that rotate mode is supported in the Image Settings section, however on the new 2347G2 ColorVu which uses the same G3 firmware, the data sheet shows rotate mode supported which is strange.
Hi Magwhy

I did have a 2 way audio issue and I thought that it was caused by the camera firmware (it seemed to be the obvious culprit), however it turned out to be the NVR firmware. There is a specific patched build of 4.40.016 for the I series NVR on the UK portal that resolves the problem. I pointed another forum user to this patch the other day and it fixed for them also. I'm not sure whether the issue is restricted to the I series NVR as I've not seen a similar patched firmware for the K series. Which model NVR do you have?

I've just checked the three models of G3 platform camera that I have running the 5.5.150 firmware (2346-ISU/SL, 2386-IU, 2386-ISU/SL) and can confirm that the rotate mode is missing from Configuration > Image > Display Settings > Video Adjustment on all of them. I'm not sure whether it was ever there on this model which is a shame as it's a handy feature. I've had a look at the data sheet and it doesn't mention that rotate mode is supported in the Image Settings section, however on the new 2347G2 ColorVu which uses the same G3 firmware, the data sheet shows rotate mode supported which is strange.
Thanks JB1970,
Thats not good, just bought 3 of these to use in corridor mode.
Can any one confirm if a (how can I call it?) "bug", with privacy mask existed in 5.5.134, is fixed in 5.5.150?
Let me explain.

Checking with a DS-2CD2T46-G2-4l and firmware 5.5.134 from EU portal, I discovered that the privacy mask area
"is flashing" clear, sometimes in a sequence for about every 50 seconds for milliseconds.

I mean that, what I see like flashing screen, is the masked area that is cleared for milliseconds (can see all covered area) and appears again.
To understand what was happening, I had to playback recorded period at 1/16 of the speed.

For example now is doing it at 28:19, 28:59, 36:50, 37:50, 41:06, 42:56, 43:33.
I can see that hapening both from cameras web UI and NVR through IVMS 4200.
Display mode for OSD is "Not transparent & Not flashing"

I discovered that because I have a second screen next to the one I work, to watch my old sick dog.
Previous firmware 5.5130 & 131 had not such problem.

*"Sorry for my bad English"
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I will answer my own question.
Privacy mask "flashing" still exists on 5.5.150 firmware, but it is not so frequent as it was on 5.5.134.

Any one noticed something strange with led bulbs when night vision with IR is on;
It looks like "a slow burning cinema film" that covers the lamp, then the lamp looks normal,
and then that thing starts allover again.

The frames are from a floor lamp that has a small led bulb, but the same think is happening with the ceiling uncovered led bulb.

10 secs.JPG

14 secs.JPG

20 secs.JPG
Hey everyone, I am currently facing issues with this FW version (5.5.150 200927) when trying to Playback recordings it throws error in Hik-Connect app - First Network Unstable and then right away Playback Failed (260025). This is happening for iOS, Android and even on Windows within IVMS4200 when connected to Hik-Connect account.

I can only Playback videos locally.

Any ideas?
I am currently evaluating a Hikvision Colorvu 4Mp bullet camera, (the DS-2CD2047G2-LU-4mm Firmware version V5.5.134 build 200430), attached to a Hikvision DS-7616NI-K2-16P NVR (Firmware V3.4.99 Build180324) and I can confirm that it also displays the privacy mask disable bug on firmware 134 exactly as you describe.

It effectively renders the privacy mask function useless. Whether it's a 'bug' or not I wouldn't like to speculate.. I shall try the 150 firmware and have another look, but I suspect I will see the same as you.
I've now updated to the 150 firmware and I can confirm the same as you, that the privacy mask disabling 'bug' is not as frequent as with the 134 firmware, but it is still there, just not so noticeable to the customer..
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I will answer my own question.
Privacy mask "flashing" still exists on 5.5.150 firmware, but it is not so frequent as it was on 5.5.134.

Any one noticed something strange with led bulbs when night vision with IR is on;
It looks like "a slow burning cinema film" that covers the lamp, then the lamp looks normal,
and then that thing starts allover again.

The frames are from a floor lamp that has a small led bulb, but the same think is happening with the ceiling uncovered led bulb.

View attachment 4870

View attachment 4871

View attachment 4872
I've noticed that you do get an annoying 'strobe' effect with LED lamps, neon lamps and the new generation of LED car lights because of the fact that they are powered from either 50Hz or 60Hz AC, (full-wave rectified in the case of domestic LED lamps, or pulse width modulated switched DC in the case of cars), and strobe with the camera frame rate which causes all sorts of weird effects.
It is not like 'strobe' effect, it is more like burning film image. I tried to attach a small 2.12MB, 29 seconds video, but the board says the extension is not supported.
I tried a little trick (winrar it and rename rar to zip) but I don't know if it will work.

