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Motion Detection Zone Resting after NVR Reboot



I have a HiLook NVR 108MH-C/8P, and this is driving me insane.

After configuring motion detection zone via the NVR it works perfect, but after rebooting the NVR the motion detection settings are lost and I have to redrew the squares.

My camera is "IPC-T283H-MU" and has the latest firmware as does my NVR.

I have attempted to draw the settings via the NVR direct, the NVR web browser, and via the camera directly. Whenever the NVR is rebooted, the settings are lost.
Interestingly, if the camera is rebooted but the NVR stays on, the settings are kept.

And finally, I have another slightly older camera "IPC-T651H-Z". The motion detection settings for this camera don’t reset after the NVR reboot.

This problem is incredibly frustrating, and at this point I wish I had stayed away from HiLook and Hikvision.

Any help would be greatly appreciated.

Thank you
My camera is "IPC-T283H-MU" and has the latest firmware as does my NVR
Are you 100% that the firmware is up to date? If the NVR or camera are saying 'up to date' or 'no new version' etc, you can ignore that as it's never worked properly. You need to find the product pages for your models or use the firmware search on Hikvisions website.
Are you 100% that the firmware is up to date? If the NVR or camera are saying 'up to date' or 'no new version' etc, you can ignore that as it's never worked properly. You need to find the product pages for your models or use the firmware search on Hikvisions website.
Yes I updated the firmware from the product pages earlier today.

Firmware_V5.7.0_241209 Applied to: IPC-T283H-MU(4mm)(HIK AUS)


Firmware_V4.30.216_240930 Applied to: NVR-108MH-C/8P
Yes I updated the firmware from the product pages earlier today.

Firmware_V5.7.0_241209 Applied to: IPC-T283H-MU(4mm)(HIK AUS)


Firmware_V4.30.216_240930 Applied to: NVR-108MH-C/8P
There was a similar issue a few years ago with different models but that affected the newer motion setup, where the area is drawn a (up to) 10 point polygon rather than dragging a block of cells. That was fixed a long time ago with firmware.
Today I contacted Hikvision and experienced some of the worst customer service of my life. "You contact Installer... Installer, no call here, call Installer."
Advertising Hilook cameras as consumer grade minus any consumer support, is a complete Joke.

I'm actually quite confident my issue only started after upgrading my NVR firmware 2 days ago. I would like to rollback to a previous firmware but the site only has the latest firmware. I asked if i could have the older firmware but got a stone wall. "No firmware, installer, installer, no call here"

Honestly wish I stayed clear of this junkware.