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Hello. As a newcomer I am pleased to join you. I have recently installed an AcuSense NVR (DS-7608NXII-12/8P/S) and a variety of 7 Hikvision cameras.
So far so good. All 7 cameras are connected and visible in "CAMERA" but in "LIVE VIEW" one camera is missing. The missing camera is not always the
same. I have reduced VGA resolution in "GENERAL" to minimum and same in video resolution of the 7 cameras under "CAMERA".

No success. Any advice?

Thanks Jack.
You don't need to adjust anything in the general settings - that is for the monitor output. Both HDMI and VGA outputs are configurable to suit the monitor (or TV) that you've connected to. Usually you would have the HDMI on either 1080P or 4K (if the NVR and TV/monitor support it)

From your description it sounds as though the NVR has reached it's limit for decoding and so cannot display all 7 of your cameras at the current settings. I'm not familiar with that particular NVR as it's not available here, but looking at the data sheet the decoding capability is 8 cameras at 1080P resolution and 30 frames per second.

My guess is that you may have (inadvertently or otherwise) overridden the stream type in the live view. Normally when you display the multiscreen image, all of the cameras on screen display the lower quality sub stream. Double clicking the cameo image brings that camera up full screen and switches to the main stream. If you hover over each image individually until the lower menu bar appears, there is an information icon that gives you the current frame rate, resolution etc and another icon where you can switch the stream from sub to main and vice versa. Ensure all cameras are displaying the sub stream when in multi view. In multiscreen there's no need to display such a small image on screen at high resolution.

While the NVR can decode all 8 channels at 1080P, displaying the main stream for all cameras while in multi view could well exceed its capabilities if some or all of your cameras are more than 1080P (2 megapixel)
Thank you very much for the detailed info. I will study your proposals and apply where possible. Will let you know the outcome.

Thank you once again.

Hello JB.

In "GENERAL" the lowest VGA resolution I can go is 1024*768/60 HZ. HDMI resultation 1280x720.
Using this resolution the size of the life screen image display is reduced. If I
increase HDMI to 1920*1080/60HZ the display effect turn into full size.


Frame: 25 FPS

In "LIVE VIEW" all images in multiscreen show the lower menu bar, i.e the sub stream works but he missing
camera is not visible in multiscreen. The only location where I dan see the missing camera is in "CAMERA".
There I can see all 7 images and all have the lower menu bar, including the one not
visible in live view.

My monitor is 10 years old.

Thanks for assisting me.

Have you got the camera selected for multiscreen view in the live view settings? In the NVR menu on the monitor:

System (gear icon) > Live View > View

Select the 3 x 3 icon at the bottom and make sure the grid is filled with D1 to D9
Did as you suggested selected 3x3 and assured that the grid is filled with
D1 to D9. Activated this setting and noticed when returning to LIVE VIEW
that second camera disappeared for a while but returned after a couple of minutes.
But all 7 cameras continue appearing in "CAMERA".
It's got me a little stumped on teh info that you've given. When you say all cameras are visible in "camera" I assume you mean the camera settings menu? That just shows a still thumbnail image there that you can click to play. The reason I thought the NVR was maxed out on its decoding resources was that you've said it's not always the same camera that's unavailable. If it were always the same camera missing then I'd think it were something set wrong on that one camera. A couple more things:

1 - Are all of the cameras recording continuously without problem and can you play them back smoothly? If you go to playback and select each camera (one at a time) are there any gaps in the blue timeline (you may need to zoom the scale in to shorten the time period) That would indicate cameras were disconnecting.

2 - Do any of the cameras have particularly out of date firmware? if you go to the Camera menu where you can see all of the images, click the icon in the top right corner to switch to list view and let us know the full model numbers and firmware version of each camera.

3 - Finally go to the maintenance menu (spanner icon) System > Video. If you can take a picture of that screen and show it here as it shows the connected cameras resolution and bit rates.

We might be able to find something from the above. Out of interest, is this a newly installed system that you're having this issue with immediately or is it a problem that's just started recently?
JB many thanks for your comments. I am impressed by your effort to help. I will study your comments and come back on them. But let me give you some good news. As I said perviously I followed your advice and observed the events which followed the adjustments. First as I mentioned above one additional camera disappeared in live view and then came back and I returned to 6 camera visible. As I also mentioned previously quote: " If I increase HDMI to 1920*1080/60HZ the display effect turn into full size.. "unquote. Just to get back to a full size screen I set again HDMI in SYSTEM (gear icon) to 1920*1080/60HZ(1080P) with VAG resolution left at 1024*768/60HZ and was about to close down the system when I decided to throw a glance at the LIVE view and to my surprise the missing 7th camera appeared again. Needles to say that I want to know the cause of this past problem so to contribute to this forum with my experience base on our joint effort.

Thanks again.
JB as to your points raised I have following comments.

1- I have not yet set automatic recording but have checked recording manually by activating the start recording icon at the bottom of the screen. This action works on all cameras including the 7th just recuperated. When going in replay there blue bars which appear but large intervals in between. But I must say that I have not yet come around to setting recording.,

2- The whole installation is brand new, supplied from Germany after a waiting time of 2 months. I attach a screen shot.

3- In maintenance I could not find video but located in "CAMERA" video parameters. I choose the camera related to the one which got lost (kitchen) and attach a screen shot.

Last but not least let me say that I am new in this and still trying to learn and set up the system.

Thanks for all the help.




I finally resolved the problem. SYSTEM>LIVE-VIEW>VIEW. On the blue surface my 8 cameas are mentioned and each one must be ticked (X) In my case one was not ticked off, so I could not see it life.
I finally resolved the problem. SYSTEM>LIVE-VIEW>VIEW. On the blue surface my 8 cameas are mentioned and each one must be ticked (X) In my case one was not ticked off, so I could not see it life.
Yup - like I said back in post number 5 on February 2nd :p:

Have you got the camera selected for multiscreen view in the live view settings? In the NVR menu on the monitor:

System (gear icon) > Live View > View

Select the 3 x 3 icon at the bottom and make sure the grid is filled with D1 to D9
At the time you gave me your advice I was not at a level to understand the fundamentals, and it took my ageing brain some time to get familiar with the vocabulary etc. Since I lost a camera again I finally understood what you said at a time.

Thanks again.