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iVMS-4500 iPad exporting footage direct to Youtube


Well-Known Member
Can anyone tell me why the option to export recoded footage directly to Youtube has been removed from the iPad iVMS-4500HD app?
It used to be very handy uploading to a private unlisted account and then share the link with the end user.
I know I can export files using the PC iVMS-4200 client version but that involves firing up the laptop which is painfully slow when Win10 has decided to apply updates.
iVMS-4500HD is no longer supported. Have you tried iVMS-4500 Lite ( Hikvision's suggested replacement)?
Thanks for the information, I installed the “lite” version but still no option to export video to YouTube.
Hi Malford, I went through the manual for iVMS-4500 HD (iOS) and could not find the option to upload to Youtube. The version history doesn't mentioning removing the feature either. It might have been a brief addition that they removed without mention. It sounds like a nice feature. I can't find the option to export directly to Youtube on iVMS-4200 either (ver 2.6 and up). Only to FTP. Keep us posted.
Thank you Stewart I appreciate your time in looking into this, it was a great feature and saved lots of time.

The footage was shared with the local NHW scheme and has proved very effective.

The two links below show a cold caller who was part of a two man team who went on to burgle a house in a neighbouring road (Shared with Police)
As soon as the guy spots the camera he signaled to his partner and they were off.. goes to show the deterrent factor of cctv.

Thanks for sharing. This may not apply to the UK (I'm assuming the location) but here in South Africa posting images or video to social media, maybe even forums, can be grounds to dismiss a criminal case. I'm told it may influence witnesses. Still, testament to the effectiveness of CCTV. Several of the NHW's we have installed for have confirmed this. The initial hesitation that cameras would make a difference is no longer in question.
Can anyone tell me why the option to export recoded footage directly to Youtube has been removed from the iPad iVMS-4500HD app?

Sorry, I wasn't even aware of it :oops:
Looks like you made good use of it.
I'd guess there was some sort of legislative concern.
Can you be more specific with your version?

Mine used to work but the option to upload directly to YouTube is no longer there.
is no l
Sorry @malford the post that you responded to was from a spammer.
We get lots every day which we delete.
His first post seemed plausible - but now deleted!