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IP Camera Problem


i have the eyespy247 ext+

when it's working it is great, but, almost every day it is offline.

i was told this could be the quality of the streaming being set to too high so i have lowered that. i was recommended to use a timer plug to power it down 1-2 times each day but it still it goes off line. eyespy247 provided a link for a firmware update but it was very daunting having to take it down off the front of the house, reconnect via wifi and then start fresh as it took me a few days to get it all working.

am i doing anything wrong?
When you say it 'goes offline' is that when you try and view it remotely or locally? When it falls off your network does it still show up in your router's DHCP table?

I got one of these from Amazon a couple of weeks ago and mine's been rock solid with my BT Home Hub - though I did update the firmware as recommend by eyespy.

Did you install the firmware update and perform a factory reset after install? I think the trick is to do a factory install after upgrading the firmware.

If it's dopping off your network it could also be because it's very marginal in terms of wifi range. When it's connected what is the wifi db reading on the camera?

Other than that best to get in touch with eyespy directly I would have thought.

not sure if it stays in the router's dhcp, didnt think or know how to check.
i didnt install the new firmware as it was already installed on the outside wall and i had a bit of a nightmare getting it to work with my router so i didnt want to go through that again.
i have reduced the streaming quality a little mainly in stream 3 as the guide recommends, i will have to see if that helps.
I understand your reticence but if the solution is to update the firmware then you're just firefighting unless you update the firmware. Painful as it may be now it might be better than hitting your head against a brick wall.

I'm running version 5 of the firmware on my EXT+ and not had any issues with it so should be good for you too.

But that may not be the problem as you really need to also see if your wifi range is at the more marginal end of what your router is capable of in case the problem lies there.

it says in the status -65dbm. not sure if that is good.

last couple of days since i reduced the quality of stream 3, it hasnt had any problems. i will report back