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Interval between Motion Alert email images


New Member

Is there anywhere to set the timeout interval between the motion detection images sent via email?

I currently have a few Hiks connected to a Hik 7608NVR and 1 of the cameras specifically watches the electric gate on the front of my premesis.

Say im coming into my gate i open the gate and the gate sets off the motion alert and emails me 3 images of the gate opening.

Then i drive through it and the gate closes.

Well the next email i get is of 3 images of the gate closing.

i dont get the middle email alert which would be the car actually moving through the gate.

As though there is a 3 or 5 second interval between motion stopping and being triggered again.

Is there any settings i can change as i cant really find any but im no camera expert to either increase the amount of stills that the motion detection sends out in an email, or decrease the internal time between the stills that it catches?

i know i can refer to the recordings and double check the times from the email stills to see exactly what was going on but it would be nice to actually get something moving through the gate rather than just get an email with 3 stills watching it open and then another email of 3 stills watching it close missing the main bit - the person entering!

Sorry, there aren't currently any adjustments in the camera nor the NVR that would allow you to do this :(
Are there any delay settings i could implement, so it time delays say the first 5 seconds from motion detection, which would miss the gate opening?

Or can you email a set time of video, rather than 3 still images?

Would intrusion detection or line crossing be better? (although i cant seem to get either of these to send out email alerts when triggered.)

Dont want to have to turn email alerts off but no point having them if they are just showing me a still image of the area because they have missed parts of it.

Sorry, no 'timing' settings you can adjust, nor option to send video.
Depending on the view you have, you may be able to implement line crossing or another alert to send a more useful email.