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I cannot view my downloaded video


Active Member
Hi, when viewing my cameras on HikVision IP via the laptop I can operate the 'Recording' or 'Capture' feature and in the bottom right corner it tells me that it was successful and also displays where the file was saved to, but I can only view the Jpeg still images, the Mp4 files error when I try to view them.
The cameras are set-up in 1080p HD at H264+, I am using Windows 10. I am used to viewing Mp4 files as this is the same files as used with my GoPro video camera and it won't play the files in the GoPro editing software either.
The other thing I have noticed is that HikVision IP won't save directly onto my Laptop Hardrive it will only save onto a USB even though I edit the folder path in 'Configuration, Local'.
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Hi @newbie2468

The download files will often not play via standard video players (like Quicktime, Windows Video Player, etc...) we believe it is something to do with hikvision's custom encoding of the video files.

What we usually recommend is to either playback with VLC or using Hikvision's own VSPlayer

The local storage problem is not something we have seen before, we have accessed Hikvision cameras here in the office via Internet Explorer and we have been able to change the save location, I assume as you have successfully downloaded footage that you have accessed the cameras using IE in administrator mode as this is a common problem with any issue relating to downloading footage.
Hi Dan

Thanks for your reply.

I have just installed the VSPlayer but it is asking me for the 'Correct Key' to play the file, what does this mean?

I can access previous film footage from my cameras using I.E. and the HikVision software does say that the chosen video clip was saved to the chosen file path that I have saved, but no file is shown in the Hard-drive, it will only show the Mp4 files when I change the saved folder path to my USB.

Basically, I'm looking for the simplest form to download and share (email etc..) video footage from my cameras.
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Okay, I've managed to work out what the 'Correct Key' is, it's the 'Verification Code' (Why HikVision make this difficult beyond me)!
I've open my saved Mp4 video file and played it in VSPlayer, would someone explain how I remove the cameras line crossing markers from the video footage and also is there a way of saving the file in a more common viewing format file (such as MPEG)?

I still cannot save any video footage to my hard drive, I altered the file path to my desktop in order to shorten the path but despite the software telling me the save was successful to this path the file wasn't there, as mentioned before I have no problems saving it to the USB stick.

Would someone please confirm one other thing?
When I capture video footage and the software saves it, the file name it automatically gives it is the IP address followed by the current day and current time, not the actual day & time of the footage. Is this correct??
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Hi @newbie2468

As far as we are aware it isn't possible to change the download format before the initial download, but Hikvision does have its own Format Converter Software which you can use to convert the already downloaded file into different video formats.

Removing the line crossing markers is not an issue we have come across before and so we don't have a solid solution, when testing VSPlayer earlier I found that if you right click the video feed you get a drop down and one of the options there is Image Control > VCA info. > this takes you to a list of image overlay information that it says you should be able to turn on & off (see below)

Screenshot 2019-01-25 at 11.51.59.png

It didn't work on the clip we tried but it might be worth a try, we are still not sure why the downloads won't save to your computer and only to your USB, as far as we are aware downloading to the desktop has never worked but you should be able to save to any other custom folder.

In regards, to your last question, the file name is correct, it does download with the date & time of when you downloaded and not the date & time shown in the video file.
Hi Dan

Thanks for your time in answering my questions, its been really useful.

I have managed to remove the line crossing markers as you suggested.
Thanks for confirming the file naming.
I've tried to save onto my hard drive by choosing another folder (not to the desktop this time) and it still doesn't do it although the software confirms the folder path and saved successfully, very odd!
I'll download the Format Converter and give it a try.

Many thanks
I know this is an old post, but the solution: The problem you were experiencing is that Windows saves the file as a hidden file for some reason. You need to go to the gear icon in I.E., to internet options, then to the Security tab, then Trusted Sites, then Sites, and add your NVR's web address to the list of "trusted sites" so that the file will be visible when saved. Just figured this out tonight.

Now if there were something other than VS Player to view the video...It has the same 4K screen problems as ALL of Hik's products.
Try IE11 with Compatibility Mode set as below using your camera's IP. You might need to disable Protected Mode for Local Intranet too. This eliminated the error and saves the file for me.
Not sure about FF but Chrome works too provided you have the correct plugin installed.

Regarding playback - Think of MP4 as a container, it can store video and audio in various codecs. Your GoPro is likely saving video as H264 which is playable by almost everything. H264+ was developed by Hikvision and 'works' with a few modern players like VLC. If you set the cameras to plain H264 you should have no issues with the playback. Keep us posted!
