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Firmware HWN-2104MH-4P NVR Firmware?


New Member
Hello Everyone.

I have successfully setup my budget cctv that is suited for my use, however when I bought a new nvr with same model HWN-2104MH-4P, it comes with a more recent firmware which I cannot find anywhere in hikvision websites.

The model I have is: HWN-2104MH-4P
The latest firmware on the newly acquired one is: V4.72.105 build 220808
Old firmware installed on some of first units I have is: V3.4.99 build 180706

I look forward for your inputs. Thank you!
Hi @johnangelo

Where in the world did you buy this NVR?

I ask because the latest firmware I can see online for this NVR model is available on the Hikvision Global product page which is V4.30.091_220919. That firmware version is an older version number than the latest firmware you have but strangely has a newer build date - 220919 means 19/09/22 while 220808 means 08/08/22).

I can only think that the firmware your new model is running is region specific to where you bought it from, we would recommend speaking to the seller or Hikvision Support in your region to see if they can advise on this v4.72 firmware.

(also, it might be a situation where the newer model is actually a newer hardware iteration than the old model you have and thus uses different firmware, when you log in to both NVRs do either of them show a (B) or (C) next to the model number on the basic information menu?)
Hello @Dan

I'm from Philippines. I have bought the NVRs at different year. I can't check the box for now as they are on the deployment location which is not near on my area now. But I can attach the screenshot I got from remote configuration that I can access from a mac using IVMS 4200 software.

You can see the firmware version that I'm talking about. I also emailed the support already but still waiting for their advice:

Screen Shot 2023-05-15 at 10.32.30 PM.png
Screen Shot 2023-05-15 at 10.34.01 PM.png
Thanks @johnangelo

We are UK/EU based so you are probably best speaking to Hikvision or your original seller in the Philippines because as far as we can see that v4.72.105 firmware is not currently available for that NVR model in our region.
Thank you for your inputs. I have checked my email now and global support already referred me to a local one. I hope they can help me with this.

Thanks again. I will just be updating this thread for news regarding this