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HikVision RSM 2 site

Andrey Milkoto

New Member
Dear colleagues, hi! Need help and suggestions regarding HikVision RSM module - remote site management. Anyone having experience with this?

Currently, one of our customers has 2 separate sites with HikCentral, one composed of multiple NVRs with HikCentral on top (~350 cams) and 2nd one with multiple pStor servers and HikCentral on top (~650 cams). Such architecture was predefined in order of construction priority.

Both sites has LAN connection between each other at the moment.

Currently, they want to combine these sites, so they can see all cameras on monitoring workstations in SOC (security operations center), including using SmartWAll module.

Can we solve this request with RSM 2 site license?
So cameras from both sites can be monitored in central SOC (350+650), of course taking into account layouts configurations and restrictions as well as decoding capabilities of workstations’ hardware.

For example, 64 cameras from 1st site and 64 cameras from 2nd site etc. e.g no restriction on the number of monitored cameras from local (RSM activated)/remote site.

Thanks so much beforehand for your help and suggestions.
Havent done configurations myself, but i saw 1 live. It worked same as being on a single server.

Only thing you have to take into consideration beyond hardware decoding capabilities is having fiber connectivity with 10Gbit+ speeds

Hi, thanks for your reply and advice, seems like no restrcition on the number of cameras pulled off the remote site for live view, right?

Just all the examples (virtual) and videos i saw and googled showed only one camera live from remote site at once, and more focus on system configuration and maintenance|health, that's why i wondered if are there any restriction actually on the number of camera feeds to decode and display from remote site (except for decoding, bandwidth and HikCentral client' own restrictions).


as well these spec of RSM made me a little bit confusing about how it actually works, with no description anywhere i could find.
Any idea of what this can actually mean?
