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HIKVision NVR corrupted user database


Hi all,

I’ve a NVR: DS-7608NI-I2 that after upgrading to a later firmware no longer has the user accounts nor admin account.

It’s only allowing for passwords to be entered via GUI but that doesn’t work as the ok button cannot be clicked on.

I am also unable to reach the main page of the NVR on via IE even though I put myself on the same network segment.

I was reading online and from what I understand is the database being upgraded from v3? to v4? is corrupted?

I was wondering if someone might have experienced this before and know how I might be able to fix this such as restore firmware or even factory reset it to default is fine.

Thank you.
Yes, this can happen when upgrading from earlier v3 firmware to the latest v4. The recommended fix requires a factory reset to re-create the user table.
Try the following. Download and install the Hikvision SADP tool.
SADP should find the NVR and detail the current settings.
If the device reports as Inactive in the Status column, you're in luck. Select the NVR by clicking the tickbox, complete the settings in the Modify Network Parameters including your new Admin Password and click Modify.

If the NVR has a status of Active, check if the IP address has changed to the new default of
Either way, try access the webGUI (don't use HTTPS) with the reported IP address and perform a factory reset.
Let me know if you make any progress with the above. If not we can try a different method.
Hi StewartM,

Thank you for the reply.

The NVR has an IP address of and is not accessible even if I’m on the same range. The NVR also has a status of “Active”

Appreciate if you have any other ideas on how I can do a factory reset on it...

Thank you.
Just to make sure we go the right route please get back to me on the following:
What does SADP report as the Software Version and the HTTP Port as?

When you originally setup your NVR, it prompts you to save a GUID file to USB. Do you remember doing that and if so, is it still available?
Sounds like you tried this but please confirm - Are you able to connect the NVR via the HDMI or VGA port to a monitor and access the system directly?
When connected to the same range, open a cmd prompt in Windows and ping the NVR. Do you get a reply?
Software version
V4.21.005build 190509

http Port

No. I didn’t save the GUID to a USB.

When connected via VGA monitor to NVR, it allows me to enter a password but in the drop down, there is no user account.

When connected to the same range, I can ping the NVR. Just not able to get IE to display anything at all.

IE will say cannot reach this page.
Forgot to ask you earlier - in SADP, are you able to modify the IP setting (or any setting) using the admin password that worked prior to the firmware upgrade? What error does it report when you try? Highly unlikely, but try the old default '12345' too.
It doesn’t allow me to change IP addresses and when entering password, SADP said incorrect password even though I know it’s the right password.
Not being able to authenticate limits the options going forward. It pretty much excludes Hikvision's Batch Configuration Tool V3.0.2.6 which is able to reset the NVR but needs a working admin credential. Give it a try anyway.

You could click the 'Forgot password' option in SADP and have Hikvision technical email you a reset key.

Lastly you could try using TFTP. It's a bit more complicated but does not need authentication to revert the firmware to a prior version. A Google search for Hikvision TFTP will provide more details on the process. If you decide to go this route, let me know and I may be able to assist.
I think I would need to go down the TFTP route as I’ve tried the XML that HIKVision has provided but without a “user” account, I wouldn’t be able to get any further.

Is the TFTP very difficult as I had a look and it needed python. Following through some commands, I got stuck and gave up but if you can help guide me, I’ll like to try it again.

Thank you.
It's not very difficult but a bit of a chore to configure correctly.
Using TFTPServ which I believe is a updated version of Hikvision's original tool, or using something like Scott Lamb's tool (which requires Python 2.7 to work) are options. The first tool contains a guide in the zip file. Personally I prefer Scott's tool as I've had more success with it.

If your NVR is still within the 3 year warranty period the retailer you purchased it from should be your first port of call. At least this route you won't void the warranty.

If you decide to go the TFTP route, keep in mind there is no guarantee the process will work and may brick the NVR entirely. If returning the NVR to the retailer is not an option and you're comfortable with the risk let me know.
I have a similar NVR to yours so I thought I'd test it. I successfully downgraded the firmware from v4.22 to v3.4.103 using Scott's tool. It did a complete reset of the NVR prompting for a new admin login at boot.
The NVR just passed the 3 year mark and knowing retailers, the first thing they’ll likely do is how much money can they make...

Nonetheless I’ll give the retailer a call and see what they say this morning and if it’s ridiculous, I might just have to take the risk and try your method. Would be good to also learn something out of this painful exercise too.

Just annoyed that HIKVISION is so poorly supported.
For Scott Lamb’s tool, do you specifically need Python v2.7?

The reason I asked is I came across your reply on this thread:

and tried to follow through the instructions but failed with an error where it says
File "c:\python\hikvision_tftpd.py", line 53
except socket.error, e:

Are you able to provide more insights into this error and what I might be doing wrong?

Thank you.
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My guess would be the firewall, Windows UAC preventing the connection or the environment path for Python is not set correctly. Which version of Windows are you running and is it 32 or 64 bit?
I’ve disabled all firewall.
AV has also been disabled.

Currently running Win10 x64.

The environment variables has also been set correctly.

Can you share your working environment details?
Make sure you have Python 2.7 64bit installed. The socket error may be related to bitness. Uninstall your current version if so. If you have the 64bit version installed make sure you have 'Add python.exe to Path' set.

I'd extract Scott's tool to a separate folder on your C: drive (c:\tftppy for example).

Install a editor like VSCode as you will need to change the server settings in hikvision_tftpd.py
Line 171 needs to be set to

Disable your WiFi adpater on your laptop.
Edit the properties of your Ethernet adapter and set the IP4 address to, subnet

Open a command prompt and navigate to the folder you saved Scott's tool to.
Make sure you have the digicap.dav file (v3.4.xx) in this folder.
With the NVR connected directly to you laptop's Ethernet port run:
'python.exe hikvision_tftpd.py' from the prompt.
Let me know what happens.
This is the result.

Ran the CMD prompt in administrator mode.

Traceback (most recent call last):
File "hikvision_tftpd.py", line 186, in <module>
args.filename, file_contents)
File "hikvision_tftpd.py", line 46, in __init__
self._tftp_sock = self._bind(tftp_addr)
File "hikvision_tftpd.py", line 52, in _bind
File "C:\Python27\lib\socket.py", line 228, in meth
return getattr(self._sock,name)(*args)
socket.error: [Errno 10013] An attempt was made to access a socket in a way forbidden by its access permissions


With the NVR connected directly to you laptop's Ethernet port run.

I did the above with a switch in between.
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Cape Town where I live is in stage 4 load shedding (cutting the power to reduce load the grid) for up to 5 hours a day. I'll do some more testing soon as we get power back on.

Don't use a switch between NVR and laptop. Must be directly connected.