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Hik-Connect HikVision ip camera


New Member
Hi there everyone,

I have recently moved in to my new house and the old owner had cctv cameras but I wanted to use the hikvision app as well as the box so I factory reset the cctv box and used my email and password however now that I went through the setup of the box again I no longer have access to the cameras and when I go into the menu and click cameras it shows the status of all of them is incorrect username or password. Could anyone please help me as it would be much appreciated.

Regards Roobs3
Hi @Roobs3

Are the NVR and cameras Hikvision models? Do you know which models you have?
Ok, I assume the cameras are all directly connected to the PoE ports on the NVR? If that is the case then this will explain why the cameras have disconnected after resetting the NVR. When cameras are activated by connecting them directly to the PoE ports on the NVR they are assigned the same password as the NVR, so when you reset the NVR and changed the password the NVR no longer recognised the camera passwords and so you will now have to reset each cameras password.

If you don't know the original NVR/Camera password then the only way you can change the cameras password is to hard reset each camera using the reset button on the camera.