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HikVision Camera Line Crossing Sensitivity


Active Member
Anyone know if the length or position of a line has any baring on it's sensitivity?

Finding one of my setups is more reliable in one direction than the other, despite it being set at A<->B.

The area behaving improperly is at the top right of the frame.


Left to right traffic seems OK, but right to left rarely detects.


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I've seen an issue where detection lines are near to the edge of the field of view i.e. there needs to be space for objects to be detected in view before crossing the line, then detected as they cross the line AND/OR after crossing a line an object needs to remain fully in the field of view to be detected.
Not sure I explained that well enough; say something was right at the top of your line heading to the right, near the edge of the view - if the lead of the object exits the view before the tail of the object clears the line, then it can cause problems. Or, in the other direction, if the lead of the object crosses the line before the tail of the object is clearly in the field, equally that can cause detection problems.
Thanks Phil,

Sort of get what you mean.
That camera is only catching knee down on the foot path.
But what I want to do is get the detection right, then schedule it for only late evening activity.

Extra IR illumination might be needed...
Any hints on that?
