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Hik-Connect HIK Connect - iVMS-4200 Mac



I have a DS-7616NI-I2 / 16P running V3.4.96 build 170921. I successfully activated Hik Connect platform access and I'm able to connect via iVMS-4500 and Hik Connect App on iOS. However, I do not manage to access to my NVR with iVMS-4200 Mac v.

I'm able to login to Hik Connect successfully and the DS-7617NI is also show in my current account. However when I put in my user name and password below I alwasy get the answer

Login failed. Error code 7. Connection failed. Device off-line or connection timeout.
The NVR is also show in the list of "Device Management" but when I click on modify the device serial no. is missing ... BUT I can't put anything in the field.

Does anybody have a clue?
I have a DS-7616NI-I2 / 16P running V3.4.96 build 170921. I successfully activated Hik Connect platform access and I'm able to connect via iVMS-4500 and Hik Connect App on iOS.
Ergo all is well; your NVR is on your network; it can be accessed; it is working.

However, I do not manage to access to my NVR with iVMS-4200 Mac v.
Is the Mac on the same network / same site?
Do you know the LAN IP address of your NVR?
What happens?

I'm able to login to Hik Connect successfully and the DS-7617NI is also show in my current account. However when I put in my user name and password below I alwasy get the answer

Login failed. Error code 7. Connection failed. Device off-line or connection timeout.
Are you using the same user name and password credentials to access the same Hik-Connect porta account that your IOS Apps are using? (where it works)
Phil - thank you for your time and effort.

The mac is not in the same network - I'm trying to access via the internet without having configured any port forwardings yet. I know the LAN IP adress of the NVR. From outside over the internet it works with IVMS4500 and iOS.

Please see attached screen - I got it to login via Hin-Connect. However, I do not manage to add the devices successfuly. In this mask I enter the user name and password of the NVR / camera. After having added it also says: "Add correct" but the net status keeps showing an error message.

Do you have any clue?


  • Bildschirmfoto 2017-12-20 um 07.09.49.png
    Bildschirmfoto 2017-12-20 um 07.09.49.png
    106.9 KB · Views: 2,075
If you access your account at the Hik-Connect portal can you access your NVR?
Go to www.hik-connect.com
Login with your user name and password.
If you have successfully added your NVR to your Hik-Connect account (which you do seem to have done successfully, as your Apps are working) you should see a hyperlink to your NVR.
If you click that you should be able to remote access your NVR from your Mac (Safari) or a PC (Internet Explorer).
You should be able to operate and configure exactly as if you were on the LAN e.g. view Live, view recordings, access Config, etc.
Do you actually need IVMS-4200?
Hi Phil,

thank you for your reply. I tried to access the NVR directly over the HIK-Connect account but was not successful. I can see the device with serial no. and URL and also as "online" but I'm not able to access it. The links is dead ...

However I also figured out that I'm not able to see a live view of my setup over iVMS 4200 Mac when accessing the NVR via Port forwarding 8000 which is my SDK port.
When I click on live image iVMS 4200 simply does not show any image. However, when I click on Group Management I can see thumbnails of live pictures.

I'm wondering if somebody else has the same problems? Firmware versions are indicated above ...

I also have a DS-7716NI-I4 / 16P with V3.4.62 build 160503 and accessing it via IVMS 4200 via Port forwarding without any problems ....

Thanks for any clues
OK - I have done the following. I connected the NVR locally to a monitor and keyboard and deactivated the encryption like mentioned in the link above.

However, I was not able to see the live view on the NVR in the browser - the error stays the same. I then entered the verification code under: Local - Basis - encryption key.

The result is the following:

- I can access the live view on the NVR accessing it via the browser
- I can also connect me via HIK Connect with iVMS 4200 Mac now. I can see the thumbnails in group management like mentioned above and also can do a event search and display the recorded event files. But what failed is still that I'm not able to see in the Main View the live picture of the camera. I presume that this is really a bug ... but wondering that nobody can confirm my experiences.

What I will try to do is the following now:

- Accessing over HIK Connect and iVMS 4200 Win to see if live view works
- Deactivating HIK Connect on my NVR and see if iVMS 4200 works on mac and win
- Checking firmware - but I presume that there is no new firmware for cameras/NVR (compare my indicated firmwares above)

Does anybody else have any idea? @Phil maybe you?

- on Windows it works when I manually enter at each camera the verification code. Then I can get access to live view etc.

Updates will follow...
Just to finalize my experiences using Hik Connect. In the end I ended up adding the NVR via port forwarding to my iVMS software. A lot of functionality was missing using Hik Connect ... like event configuration etc.

I also deactivated the platform access in the configuration tab in order to be avoid stream encryption errors.

In my opinion is the Hik Connect service good if you only want to see live view and continous recording files - nothing more...