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Hi-Look Cameras not linking? ("NO LINK" displayed)

My hi look cameras are not working.
Looks like the system is online as shown in the photo but the cameras are not linked.

What can it be?


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The cameras probably have a different IP address to what you have set. You have edited the cameras and set the 'Adding method' as 'Manual'. It would normally be left as plug and play so that the NVR assigns them an IP address.

Assuming that the cameras have the same admin password as the NVR, change them all back to 'plug and play' and power cycle the recorder. The NVR should connect to them and assign another IP address and they should be working. If not unplug the cameras from the recorder and temporarily swap them around (1,2,3,4 to 4,3,2,1) as that will force the recorder to see a different camera on each channel and assign another IP address (they can be switched around again once they've come online)

If the cameras happen to have a different admin password to the NVR, the above won't work. You could mess around trying to find the IP address of each camera using a laptop connected to a camera port on the NVR and SADP tool, then manually edit each channel to match the IP. However it's probably easier just to set all channels to plug and play, then factory default each camera allowing plug and play to connect them.
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