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Help! No video


New Member
I have acquired an eyespy247 which I want to use with an Apple mac and security spy.

Camera attached to my internal network and I can access the web based set up page BUT I get not video feed!

If privacy is set and I unset it I get a single frame otherwise just a blank box with a cross in the middle.

If I try to access from a browser on my iPhone I get a "video for other platform/os" message in the middle of a blue screen.

The use IP guide says I can use the camera with a Mac but I cannot make it work
It's a camera that went EOL years ago, so I'm a little rusty.
It could be a browser issue.
If so, Security Spy should not be affected - try jumping straight to the Security Spy software and check whether you can see video using that.
Internet Explorer remains the most robust browser for viewing IP camera video.
As you are an a Mac, there may be a web components type Mac plugin that you need for your browsers.